View Full Version : Hi Everyone

26-07-08, 16:59
My name is Elaine& I am 47 years old. I have been on Seroxat for about 14 years and nearly 4 weeks ago I stopped them completely (by accident!!) My GP had tried to help me come off of them a few times. I had tried the cheese grater jobby and the liquid Seroxat, but there was no way . I felt awful so it was again put off to try again at a later date.

The anxiety that I was suffering from at the start was extreme which led to collapse, and the depression was a typical state, dread waking in the morning, everything doom and gloom etc. After going to my GP countless times feeling that there was something else wrong I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. I was started on Thyroxine which only made matters worse and the panics and collapsing episodes were intolerable and coming thick and fast! I began to wonder if i would ever get better. Then I was so bad that I was put in our local psychiatric unit for councelling , making pots!! etc. The experience was something that I will never ever forget, it was a nightmare. This was when I first had the pleasure of meeting this dreaded tablet!!!

My family thank god also seemed to know that there seemed to be something underlying and causing the problems. I was released on the understanding that I would continue to attend regular counselling every day. It was an uphill struggle but the strength started to return slowly. Whilst on the computer searching for info on thyroid problems I came across a thyroid specialist based in Surrey. I was taken down there to see him. He diagnosed not only a problem converting thyroxine into active T3 which was making the anxiety so bad, but also my adrenals were under so much strain that couldn't cope with the amount of adrenalin that I needed which was causing the collapsing episodes. I was started on Hydrocortisone and Tertroxin (T3 already made and ready to go!!!) Within weeks I was almost back to normal. Well that was about 14 years ago. The only reason that I have written that about my experience with thyroid problems is that there are many many people out there that are undiagnosed due to blood test ranges being far too wide and a possibility like me of not being able to convert and become thyrotoxic.

Well now onto the Seroxat withrawal !!! I have a fair amount of tablets a day (my necessary one's and vitamins etc) and I get all of my tablets and pot them up for about 4 weeks in advance. Well about 3 weeks ago I started to feel extremely tired, edgy, dizzy, shaky, insomnia, panic attacks etc. I tried the usual increasing and decreasing thyroid medication but that didn't help. THEN whilst refilling my pots with tablets noticed that I hadn't been having my Seroxat !!!!!!! Yes I had felt like hell for all of that time of no knowing what was causing me to feel this way, but when I realised just what I'd done I was elated. I am still feeling very lethargic, a bit dizzy, vision a bit blurred, the occasional panic and dip in mood, at times the panic and mood are pretty hard to cope with but |I am beating the darn stuff !!! I am never in a million years going back on them.

milly jones
26-07-08, 17:22
hi elaine

a warm nmp welcome

love milly xx

26-07-08, 18:09
Hi Elaine,

I'd imagine withdrawl is a very hard experience. You seem to doing well so I hope you keep it up. Welcome to the forums.

All the best


26-07-08, 18:09
Hiya Elaine :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along they way.
talking about your feelings to other who understand what you are going through and the struggles you endure is a great help so keep posting and we will help you as much as we can.

Take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


26-07-08, 20:36
Hi Elaine

Welcome to the forum where you will receive good sound and sensible advice. You must be a tough cookie to have gone through the experiences that you have experienced with anxiety and other related health problems. It puts mine into insignificance. I think that you are very brave facing the anxiety without the support of your medication, but I feel that you are doing the right thing. When you gradually improve you know for sure that it is you thats making progress and that it is not the medication masking the symptoms. I have had no experience with anti anxiety meds but I can recommend CBT as a excellent tool against beating anxiety.
Keep up the good work

27-07-08, 14:45
Hello Elaine And Welcome To The Site,wish Ya Well,linda

28-07-08, 23:31
Hi Elaine

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

29-07-08, 15:13
Hi Elaine,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. I also have an underactive thyroid and take meds for TSH3 and TSH4. Good luck with continuing to withdraw from your meds.

Take care,


29-07-08, 15:58

29-07-08, 16:47
Hi Everyone,
Thank you all so much for all of the kind messages. It's so nice to know that you are all there for support, but I am here to support any of you too.
Quick update on the cold turkey withdrawal .................. Feel slightly dizzy, it doesn't take much to spark of a panic, but nothing for the last couple of days. The worst thing at the moment is the need to close my eyes !!! They feel so gritty like i've had my eyes open in a swimming pool, and it doesn't seem to go away? The mood has been pretty good for the last couple of days too, (your messages made me feel even better!!!). The night before last I just couldn't sleep at all, and when you are alone at night it can be so lonely and hard to bear. I went to my GP the other day as I was having a bit of a rough time and felt very low. She prescribed some different tablets but I haven't given in yet and I am trying not to.
Has anyone else experienced the tired gritty eyes?:shrug:
Anyway I wish everyone lots of love, strength, courage and good luck in whatever they are trying to do.:byebye:

30-07-08, 16:48
Hi Elaine

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

31-07-08, 16:20
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx