View Full Version : coming off my high after finally finding a job

26-07-08, 17:27
I have had terrible problems with jobs recently. I left my origional position because my Boss was a bully and went to a different job at an airport, stupid idea for someone who has airoplane phobia.

I promptly left but an old old boss of mine (not the bully) had offered me a position in my old company but a different department because he knew I clashed with my previous boss. I have now gone back to them and went into the office in Friday to sign contracts and just get things sorted for Mondays start and though I would pop down to my old department and say hello. I so wish I hadn't

My former boss was so horrable and acted like a right ******* to me and imbarressed me infront of everybody there with his arrogence :scared15:. I am not chuffed and it has made me feel rather ill to my stomach. Because I have gone to the other division there are a load of rumors flying around and it has become apparent I have stepped on some people toes when all I was doing was making sure I had a job and money to feed my family, survival of the fittest I saw the oppertunity and jumped now everybody has their noses out of joint. It makes me feel back because I am not a bad person but why do they all have to act all hostile against me. maybe it's because I am a woman steeling their glory in a male dominant line of work...not to sure but it has made me feel horrable about Mondays start. Just wantted to share because I don't really know how to fix it. I did apologise but who knows if they will pay attention.

Anyway thats my problem at the moment :weep:

Take care,

26-07-08, 18:20
wow,aw I'm sorry. yes people can be nosey and people love to gossip. hold your head up high and show every one you are not affected by them talking about you. and stand up to people who are mean to you. i guess you can't really stand up to your boss.
eventually people will find something else to gossip about.
you are a good person and i know i am but i know how people can make you feel so small and worthless.
you don't need anyone's approval but your own and good on you for getting a job. you would do anything for your family and i really admire that. x

26-07-08, 19:23
You are not alone. The workforce can be a real pain in the ass, especially bosses. I have been in your position, actually i am currently in a situation where im not fond of my boss. Also people are dumb. As immature as it sounds, it is true. It seems like people live and breath on gossip. My advice is to not pay attention to it. Its almost as if people can sense when you're bothered by something, and the more you're bothered the more they will do it. Walk in to work with your head up high and just ignore any comment you here. Do your work the best you can and go home at the end of the day with a feeling of accomplishment. If your boss is an *******, well i hate to break it to you but most bosses are. Mine is a complete bitch, you just have to learn to ignore it. I hate to say it, but ignoring is the best way sometimes.