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27-07-08, 01:14
Okay, I hope this in the right forum (I'm quite sure it's been caused by anxiety, and I'm becoming very depressed from it, so this was the best place I could think of posting it)... Anyway, I'm getting really worried about my Dad's reaction to my anxiety. He seems to get angry with me really quickly if I mention something that's scaring me, and after I mentioned my worries to Mum earlier, I'm sure I heard her mention it to Dad afterwards, and I think he said something along the lines of "I'm not going up there" or "I'm not talking to her", or something like that. I know this probably sounds stupid, but I'm really worried that he might hate me, or at least be really fed up with me. :sad:

I feel too embarrassed to talk to him about this, plus I'm worried that he'll just get angry with me again. I'm not sure if this might seem like a bit of a pointless thread, but I just feel so upset about this!:weep: I've been crying on and off all night about it. (He walked past me earlier to check the windows had been closed - I already checked earlier, so I wonder if maybe he meant to come down to talk to me - and then muttered something under his breath as he walked past me again. I couldn't properly make it out, and I'm sure it wasn't really this, but it sounded almost like "don't care" or something similar. :unsure: )

27-07-08, 09:25

You know, lots of dads like me like everything to be fine and rosy. I know life isn't like that all the time but if we have the choice, we want everyone we care about to be happy and content.

I wonder if he see's that there is a problem with you that he doesn't understand. Anxiety is so difficult for non sufferers to comprehend and so they don't really know how to help.

He could just be frustrated because he hates seeing you down and anxious, but he doesn't quite know how to talk to you about it or deal with it, so like many men he huffs and puffs because us men (especially grumpy dads like me;)) don't like it when we can't fix things.

Maybe sit down with your mum and ask her to talk to him when you are not around. I am sure if he realised his angry reaction was upsetting you further, he will think twice before getting so angry.

Good luck
