View Full Version : petrifying symptoms

02-05-05, 11:46
Can anyone reassure me ,that what i'm feeling isn't abnormal? For the last week or so i have felt really terrible. I have a history of anxiety but managed it ok up until just recently. I've felt unreal , everyone alien to me, can't look out falling inside myself, when looking in a mirror i don't even see myself. The worst thing of all is your loosing hold on life and won't b able to save yourself. I am quite distressed but anyone who has felt any of this would bring me a huge sigh of relief. Thankyou Sue

02-05-05, 11:57
Hi Suzuki

What you are describing sounds like depersonalisation which is a symptom of anxiety, I have only experienced it mildly myself but I know others on here will be able to reassure you more.
Have you tried any relaxation or light exercise to try and burn up some adrenalin?

Take care and welcome to the forum

Elaine x

02-05-05, 11:57
Hi Suzuki

Yes, I have felt that way so many times! What you're experiencing is either depersonalisation or derealisation, or maybe both! Two common conditions with anxiety.
I know what you're saying about looking in the mirror, you can see yourself but you're not "feeling" yourself. Its actually in one of my recent posts.
I know how terrifying this can be, but try not to worry , it will pass in its own time. And its not abnormal.

Take care.

**To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.**

02-05-05, 12:01
:D thankyou for replying florence. That's a huge relief for me . x

02-05-05, 12:03
As with forence Elaine i'd like to thank u for the reassurance.x

02-05-05, 12:04
You're welcome Suzuki. If there is anything I can do, let me know.

Take care for now.

**To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.**

02-05-05, 12:08
Anytime Sue.
Hope you are feeling better for posting about all this and coming into the forum. When my anxiety was very acute last year, finding this wonderful sight was like having a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, makes you feel good that you are not alone.Hope it does the same for you.

Take care

Elaine x

02-05-05, 12:15
Hi Suzuki. Me to I have had this but not so often (thank god). I have had it quite often just after getting out of bed and as u say u cant describe the feeling. I have suffered anxiety for many years and thing at different stages we do get different symptoms, But these feelings do go but I found distraction and trying to keep busy helps a lot, But know when u feel this way you really don’t want to do nothing. Take care, Vernon

02-05-05, 12:23
Thankyou Vernon. I think distraction is probably the answer, the difficult thing being keeping the distraction up,i really am trying though. Thanku again;)

02-05-05, 13:08
hello Suzuki,

The feeling of unreality is very common amongst anxiety sufferers and the more we think about it, the worse it gets!! As Vern says, the best thing to do is distract yourself which can be very difficult. Because you are doing something, the feeling of reality comes back. Distracting yourself is something that you will get better at with time..

Sarah :D

02-05-05, 13:18
A good thing I found is try to remember words of poems, words of songs puzzles of any kind are good because you can only think of one thing at a time, I also put the radio on when I wake and in the day but not music more like chat shows and phone-ins. you seem to get into what they are talking about then. Walkman, MP3 players anything.

02-05-05, 15:02
Hi Sue,

I think we are all experts on this nasty horrid symptom.

As you will see from my previous posts, Iv been living with this feeling daily without let up.

It is, unbelievable as it may seem, a symptom of anxiety.

As the others have said, and they have helped me on many an occasion, we have to try to ignore it as best we can and keep busy.

I have found that distraction is the only way of dealing with this.

Please pm me if you need to talk.

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

02-05-05, 18:49
Sue, you have just reminded me. About 14 years ago, when my first bouts of anxiety started, I remember getting these feelings. I was at home then and I ended up in my mum and dads room and I dont remember walking there. I havent really had it since, but I had it a few times then. So no you are not alone and it will go. Try and do relaxation and deep breathing. Take Care Emma x

02-05-05, 20:04
Depersonalization: D/Personalisation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2304)
derealisation/depersonlisation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2512)
Hi new member mom w/ panic and dp/dr (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1239)
Disassociation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2732)
when will this feeling leave? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2971)


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