View Full Version : Please Help Me !!!!!!

27-07-08, 15:47
hi all,

I have been suffering with agoraphbia now for 3 years. Im 24 yrs old (male) and even tho I suffered with it and have not been able to do things in life, ie shopping holidays watch football matches. I have never been Depressed.

Last saturday my girlfriend went to have her cards read. The women told her we will end up splitting up. This news to me hit me hard and all this week I have thought nothing but what was said. You might be thinking this dosent mean to say it will happen but this women new i was gemini and i was called Steven. The card reader never knew my girl friends name and she had it done 20 miles away from home.

With me not being able to have a "normal" life me and my girlfriend have not done much over the 3 year period. Yes we have been for meals, been drinking in local pubs ect but still not been on hols like we should. So my girl friend goes out with her friends at the weekend and sleeps over which is understandlable as i cant do that and she has a life (which is great).

So all this week my thoughts have over run me. Thoughts like....

"oh mel (my girlfriend) wants a boyfriend who can do more things"

"she only said this about the card read has a hint"

" how will i cope seeing her with another man"

"visions of life without my girlfriend"

The funny thing is i trust my girlfriend 100% but these silly thoughts are creasing me. I talked to my girlfriend and she is brilliant saying dont worry things are fine so why do i feel like this???? I cant eat (when i do i feel sick). I feel down all the time, waking up really early and feel weak. I got a new job about 3 month ago and I been really liking it but I feel I dont want to go tomorrow which isnt like me.

Can somebody tell me what is wrong with me. Im ringing my doc for emergency app on monday. I talked to my therapist and he was saying "whats the worse that can happen ad where is the evidence". dont want to hear that because I love my girlfriend to bits I been with her six years now and she stuck by me all the way.

Any comment would be brilliant, thank you

27-07-08, 16:32
hi kendo. i cant drive around a 15 mile radius. yes i can go local pubs and country sides but my car has always to be outside. im my town the pubs are close together and would take no longer than a minite to get from one to the other but i have to park outside everywhere i go. i have had 500 pounds worth of parking tickets becuase of it.

yes i can stay over night at my girlfriends as she lives in the same town.

the cinema i could go to the smaller one(i think). but not the large one which is in blackburn

28-07-08, 18:07
i can not cant drive a 15mile radiuos