View Full Version : My story - anxiety + stress, advice highly appreciated

27-07-08, 16:37
Hello everyone!

I'm new to this but have been browsing for a few days.

I'm a student with a heavy, really heavy, workload and 3 months ago I experienced what I now think was a panic attack. A feeling of overwhelming fear came over me, I started shaking, racing heartbeat etc for no reason really. I had had a pretty good day but as usual I stressed myself immensely with schoolwork and getting enough stuff done. The panic attacks resulted in me taking break off school and missing 2 exams. I was afraid that if I studied I would have yet another attack.

What followed was a series of days difficulties breathing, chest pain and a feeling like I could not get enough of air. Everytime I would put myself through a stresful situation this occured. I went to the doctors, they said my test results was fine and it was probably just stress.

Up until a few weeks ago my problems with anxiety and stress were strictly physical. Mentally I did feel fine except I felt worried.

Now that worry has escalated and I feel fear everyday. Two months ago I stopped going out. I did not want to see my friends, everyone else seemed so normal and I felt so not normal! (I have been out since then but I don't enjoy myself anymore) I also feel disconnected with my old self, I cry a lot and don't feel connected to my friends/family the way I did before. I just don't feel like my old self. I don't know if this could be depression or depersonalization or just general anxiety. I also have a bit of a headache and a pressure in my ears. Before coming to this forum I was convinced I was losing my mind, becoming crazy etc but now I realise it's anxiety and stress. I was also convinced I was becoming a bad person or developing mental illness. I feel very much sad almost everyday, I have ups and downs but even in my ups I don't feel like my old self. I used to be a positive person, I was secure in myself, liked company but also enjoyed alone time. Now I don't know what to do with myself. When I socialize my mind is always somewhere else and I just have this persistant worry that I won't be fine. When people talk to me I keep thinking : how do they function and do they have fears and what are they thinking. What's normal thinking like?

I've read that depersonalization occurs because the mind is exhausted, this I believe to be the truth with me but when does it go away. What should I do? I feel terribly alone and while breathing excersises helped a few weeks ago, they don't know. I feel numb and empty. Does it sound like depression to you people? I don't even know what it is, but since it all started with that attack I think it might be anxiety or maybe a mix?

27-07-08, 17:15
Thanks for your reply!

I have not talked to my uni counsellor. I tried booking an appoitment but that was recently and she was on holiday until end of August, go figure! It feels like nobody cares and my parents just don't understand at all. They've seen something is off because of my behaviour but they keep saying Cheer up like it's nothing. I've tried behaving my normal self but inside my head I feel everything but normal.

I haven't tried yoga but I've tried other relaxation techniques like muscle relaxation and deep breathing, they used to help but now it feels like they intensify my feeling of being disconnected. When I'm doing them I have these horrible moments of strong 'depersonalization'. Like I don't know who I am. Other times I overthink everything, I even think about the stuff I think about, it sounds weird and it's hard to explain. When I say stuff I think: did I say that? Like I can hear myself speak. Whereever I've went these past few months I've felt like I'm not there. I'm always inside my head, thinking and analyzing. It's also hard to focus on stuff. I hate this.

I've been thinking about a gap year but I want to continue school because it made me happy and fulfilled until I had that attack. I just can't bring myself to understand why I suffered from it when everything was going good.

I just feel so bad right now I can't even begin to grasp that school did all this to me. Is that even possible or maybe I'm just overall an anxious person. I'm supersensitive btw and since my intrusive thoughts about me being a bad person I've felt enormous guilt and despair. I can't even watch the news on TV because I panic thinking at the state of the world. I was sensitive before as well but I could control it. Now I cry at everything. I could go on forever...it feels like I'm carrying the world on my shoulders.

27-07-08, 17:47
Yeah I'm going to try and get out more, slow walks would probably benefit me. I have no studies at the moment, in fact I have too much me- time which results into a lot of thinking, probably too much.

The weird thing is that I was on a trip, my friends wedding overseas, 3 weeks ago. That was a huge stress factor, believe it or not and I was confused/dizzy/not in touch with myself the entire time. I cried my eyes out at the wedding thinking I'm never going to experience my own.

Veronica H
28-07-08, 17:37
Hi and welcome
It sounds like anxiety and panic from over work. Dr Claire Weekes book Self Help for your nerves published by Thorsons ISBN 978-0-7225-3155-6 has been a great comfort to me and I have made so much progress in the last few weeks since reading it. It really explains what is happening and why and has simple techniques to get you on the road to recovery. You can buy it from the NMP online shop.
Best wishes
Veronica H