View Full Version : Had a terrible day, please help

27-07-08, 18:04
I have ahd one of the worst days ever today and I feel so awful now.

The past couple of days I have been suffering with terrible lower back pain and fatigue.

While I was out today I kept getting these waves of feeling like I wanted to start crying or scream and break down. They would last a couple of minutes. I felt at the same time like I was going mad and was going to keel over and die right there.

I have had panic attacks before but this is something differnt.

I kept feeling like I was shaking on the inside and I felt so unbelievably weak with waves or tiredness coming over me.

I really don't know what was happening to me. I thought I was going to collapse.

Now I am home I feel a bit better but it was so scary and really intense. I am scared I'm going scitzophrenic (sp) or something.

My whole spine felt like it was bizzing and vibrating.

27-07-08, 18:12
No, your certainly not going 'schizophrenic'. Don't worry about that. You don't just become schizophrenic. You would have had symptoms of this long ago if you were. What you're suffering from is bad panic attacks. I feel weak and tired too. It's the stress. It really takes it out of you.

Please don't worry that you're going mad. We've all been through the same feelings during anxiety and panic but I doubt that any of us have 'gone mad' in the true sense of the word.


27-07-08, 18:14
I'm sorry to hear you had a bad episode, and glad you made it home ok.
Are you taking a change in meds lately, or anything you can think of that might cause these feelings?

27-07-08, 18:27
Not on any meds at all and recently had been feeling a lot better so can't understand why this happened. It's like waves of shear fear came over me. I just felt an urge to scream really loud and cry uncontrollably. I have had really awful back pain the past couple of days and when I started saking in my spine I started thinking all stuff about nerve paths being trapped and it stopping my brain working properly. Awful, truely awful.

Venus Calling
27-07-08, 21:12
I have found that when I cry the fear leaves you quicker - maybe you should just do it. When I was out shopping just over a week ago and had an attack in the shopping mall I felt like I wanted to cry and did, in fact I don't think I could have stopped myself - right in the middle of a wide pavement with loads of people around - I felt like a little kid who had lost their mum!

When I've had attacks when I am out I've looked at people thinking they will see I am 'dying' and help me - but no one ever notices so I can't be dying! I know what the waves of fear are you describe - they are not nice but you can by accepting that they happen make them appear less and less. I have found this out in a relatively short time since I started suffering.

27-07-08, 21:54
Im so sorry hun you are feeling this way at the moment
Are you getting worked up over the creaking bones and muscles snapping?,This may be the reason for the distress you are feeling right now
I hope you feel better soon
here are some hugs for you

:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

27-07-08, 22:44
I had that feeling at the start of the summer for a couple of weeks. Anytime i went anywhere outside my house i started to feel like i was going to keel over. I thought i was going mad as well.

I would not worry about going schizophrenic, it only affects about 0.4–0.6% of the population.

27-07-08, 23:49
Ooooo hun ive also suffered the same, you arnt going mad at all, if you was you wouldnt be aware of it. Sometimes i would feel like my haid would literally explode from it all. I got to the stage where I didnt want to leave the house, although i still had attacks at home anyway.
you are not alone, the awful tiredness i find hard to handle even in clamer times im constantly tired and need a nap in the afternoon which isnt normal is it? well i dont think so, its the only way i get through a day.
Take care x x x

28-07-08, 01:15
Try not to worry too much as it sounds very much anxiety related. I've had those waves before and they are anxiety related. They are very hard to explain. For me it was like a wave of blackness right through my body that made me feel weak and shakey.

Back pain is a common thing with me. The lower back pain I get is usually from my bad posture but when your body is on edge with anxiety it is very easy bring on pain in the back.

As already said it is highly unlikely that you are schizophrenic as it's a gradual condition and as far as I know genetic. But I'm sure most of us can relate to that feeling and it's only natural to have worries like that. I hope these posts have dampened those fears.

28-07-08, 10:33
Thanks guys you really are great. I think the most worrying thing is the 'madness'. I suffered before with panic attacks, but they sem to have taken a new turn, if indeed this is what they are. I find it difficult to explain how I feel when it happens.

It's like I'm going on minding my own business and then my mind says 'oh my god you're going mad' and then I start to worry about it. I think, yes perhaps all this worry has sent me into some sort of mental illness worse than anxiety.

I have started reading my anxiety book again and hopefully this will help. I need to get better.

28-07-08, 19:23
hiya precious I have started getting symptoms very similar to yours I am absolutely tterrified. it is definitely not the beginning of schizophrenia, some people with schizophrenia do have bad anxiety symptoms but they have a whole plethora of other symptoms as well, these symptoms would be quite noticeable to your family and friends and your doctor I think these symptoms are another way that anxiety can hold onto us, ie I seem to have cracked the physical symptoms for the timeeing and I am now being plagued with these. Also schizophrenia does not appear overnight and when people are suffering from this disease believe me people will notice if it is not being treated, once again your doctor and your nearest and
dearest would notice.

Hope this helps.


29-07-08, 09:35
Thanks Heather. I am feeling better about it today. I just feel so drained today. Maybe it's a combination of the weather and worry.