View Full Version : Frustrated and annoyed

27-07-08, 21:25
Hi all, I need some advice please.

A couple of weeks ago I was going through a very difficult time with family health problems and family commitments (check my other posts!) but I managed to cope and I did feel proud of myself.
I looked on the journeys that I was having to make as a challenge and every time I completed something I felt that I had made myself that little bit stronger.
I'm trying to figure out what has gone wrong in the past week or so, that I have regressed to the point that I am planning all my little local journeys down to the last detail and getting really worked up when I have to go anywhere. I'm avoiding the parts of the road that make me feel insecure (wide pavements and lots of traffic) and just basically don't want to deal with the syptoms that I know I'm going to have.
I'm suffering from light-headedness and the occasional giddy feeling and I'm not sure if this is the Agoraphobia or the high blood pressure that I have..
basically, I ain't doing so good! :blush:
I should probably go to the GP but I went to see him last time about severe swelling of my feet and ankles and he told me there was nothing he could do, he didn't even want to try a different medication. He made me feel like I was a waste of space. :weep:
Sorry, went off on a tangent there..I just need some reassurance that this regression is ok, that I haven't wrecked my chances and for someone to tell me why the hell it has happened. :mad:

Rant over. Thanks. :)

Venus Calling
27-07-08, 21:37
Don't lose heart. Everyone has setbacks. You've proved to yourself you can do it. Keep going and don't look at it as regressing, just a little hiccup (even if it feels huge!), ups and downs are part of life.

Take no notice of your doctor - he sounds like mine. See a different one at the surgery if at all possible or ring NHS Direct for advice. That's what I did when mine told me there was nothing she could do. If she'd have looked into the pain I suffer with from my arthritis I may not have ended up down this road of worrying about every little ache, pain or sensation I have. Don't let anyone make you feel like a waste of space - no one has that right - especially a doctor.

Stick at it - you'll be okay! :yesyes:

28-07-08, 14:34
Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate it.

I'm feeling very shaken at the moment, I just went outside to say bye to my grandkids and my neighbour came over to talk to me.
We stood outside for about 10 mins and I felt light-headed and very anxious to get indoors, I just can't believe that this has happened so close to home. :weep:
I'm sitting here trying to tell myself that is only a blip and that tomorrow is another day but for some reason I'm having a hard time listening to my own advice. :)
Sometimes I believe I'm my own worst enemy.
Anyway, I won't give up, I can't afford to. Thanks for listening.

28-07-08, 16:04
I can relate to this. With neighbours I am OK to a point but one particular neighbour who is nice enough always seems to trap me and I get the exact same feeling. I suddenly realise that this the other party is here for as along as possible and I need to get away so start to panic as I feel I can't make an escape. Even when I was feeling alot better earlier in the year this still happened.

milly jones
28-07-08, 17:14
anxiety is a rollercoaster hun.

u have up times when u can conquer everything, and also down times when the world is ending too.

please treat this as a down time and realise that the journey to recovery will continue, even with its fluctuations.

love milly xx