View Full Version : hi am new

27-07-08, 22:10
hi sorry to disturb everyone but am really scared and dont know what to do.Suffered from panic attacks a few years ago and depression a few years ago but dealt with that by running.Four months ago i got a running injury and havnt been able to exercise since,the physios dont know what it is.IN these past four months everything is going out of control again.I worry all the time about everything .If friends dont text when they get home,i think they hae an accident.If i dont hear from people for a few days worry that something bad has happened.I am unable to relax until i hear from them and just feel on edge on the time.I cant focus on anything ,i find myself shaking.people tell me to stop worrying and that im lucky i dont have real worries but i cant turn it off.i feel so guilty for worrying but i cant seem to sop my mind from racing.Im scared without exercise everything is getting ou of control.My friends tell me this is selfish behaviour.Sorry would be grreatful for anyone advice feel so scared,many thanxs

27-07-08, 22:44
First of all welcome to the forums. I understand what you are feeling completely as do most people in here. Panic and anxiety is terrifying. It can completely comsume your life. Have you been to see the doctor? Do you take any meds? If not defintely start off there. You need to get a grasp on what the issues are and your doctor can help sort things out. The other thing I always recommend is exercise. I know it is usually the last thing an anxious person feels like doing bt trust me, it works and well. ALso distraction. Do whatever you can to distract yourself from the anxious feelings. SOme people colour, do puzzles, play the games in here, chat with someone. Anything. Also learn breathing and relaxation techniques. They are extremely helpful. If you would like to chat more please feel fere to pm me.

27-07-08, 22:49
Don't listen to your friends, most people can not understand what happens both physically and mentally in someone with anxiety. Your are not being selfish.

If i was to be selfish i would pick something else :D

27-07-08, 22:53
hiya and welcome i c u cant do exercise due to an injury and that must frustrate u as it sounds like u love doing that and i am the same. i love exercise i brisk walk everyday and it makes me feel good, if i dont it really makes a difference to how i feel. you will get lots of advice and support her and meet friends too. you are def not selfish and people who do not suffer panic and anxiety will not understand hun but here we do. hugs xxx

28-07-08, 08:44
Hiya Hun welcome to nmp its lovely to have you here.
Ppl who have never suffered can not understand how anxiety can effect you.
Have you spoken to your doc about things
From the things you are saying it sounds like you are suffering with GAD
( generalized anx disorder) and CBT theropy can be realy helpful for that.
We all understand you hun so keep posting and we will help you as much as we can. Oh and you are not selfish hun so plz dont let your friends make you feel bad about what you are having trouble controling.

take care


28-07-08, 11:11
I know exactly how you feel,I suffer from something very similiar to what you are experiencing. I worry about people when they are out in the same way. I constantly get very anxious about my husband driving(he is a business manager) and good job he has hands free in the car as I must ring him about 5/10 times a day to check he is ok. This has caused us many arguments I can tell you as he does try to understand but gets very frustrated with me at times. I do understand(or try to)as it must be awful to be having a meeting and then suddenly your mobile goes off and it's only your wife thinking something awful has happened.I can't have him turn it off either as I totally freak if I can't get an answer or I get his voicemail message,it's awful. I have gone next door many a time to my neighbours in tears cos I can't get hold of him,it's a nightmare.
I am going for counselling next month to try and get some relief from this never ending madness but I would go to your doc's and see if you can get any meds that may help you cope.

28-07-08, 12:29
it is not selfish behaviour if thay are to dopey to know thats not your fault
if you get very bad pop in the chat room theres people there who under stand