View Full Version : got councilling tomorrow

27-07-08, 22:56
i have got my first round of councilling tomorrow at 3pm and dreading it i am sure donna can understand it i have got to bring up the past again i had councilling years ago and that was to soon i think so going for round 2 hoping it works but do i tell them about the things i want them to know or do i tell them everything i have dealt with the rape and dont really want to talk about it again as my parent s didnt and still dont believe me so i have learnt to push it behind me and move on i dont see him anymore so can deal with it better please advise absolutely bricking it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:weep:

eternally optimistic
27-07-08, 23:06
Hi Tracy

I wish you well with the counselling, go and try and be positive that you will get what you want from it.

I had a short course of counselling earlier on in the year and although it was only 6 sessions every minute was worth it.




27-07-08, 23:10
I guess you only need tell the counsellor what you feel comfortable telling, but on the other hand, you can only get out from it what you put in. They can't help with what you don't tell them.

I hope it goes well for you. Good luck.

27-07-08, 23:13
hiya tracy well in my opinion to get the best from counselling i would tell them everything from start to finish and be dead honest, cos although it will be real hard and u will feel emotionally drained after for a bit in the long run it will help u. i am a firm believer that u get out it wot u put in with counselling and it can really help and also bring closure to lots of stuff. you will find it tough hun but go with it and be brave and tell all, ok certain people dont believe u on certain things but the councellor wont judge and u can be dead honest and kinda get it all out. after 5 months of my counselling i have got much more confident and changed alot about me and also sorted out alot of my probs, my parent prob as u know is the one big thing left i gotta deal with and the therapy has bought alot to the surface which is a good thing cos one way or another i will deal with it and get my closure and u will too hun. i hope u connect with your counsellor to as it makes all the difference i have a lovely lady who really dos understand, i am here if u need me hugs xxx

28-07-08, 14:26
thanks guys means alot it is now 25 past two and well and truly panicking now hence why i am writing to u guys hopefully it will take my mind of it i am so scared but of what i dont now i have spoken about my rapes before but not about my parents i got rid of them so y am i so worried oh this isnt helping to take m mind of it just thinking more and u lot will end up knowing my life history which i am sure u dont want to know that got enough probs of ur own i am a bit peeved as well as my daughter 14yrs old said she would come with me and i said no thats okay anyway she insisted on coming last week and up to about 10 mins ago then she said i am going out and when i said thought u were coming hse said oh well u dont need me but am i just putting to much on her but then she offered i said no then she insisted to come so i dont know any way got to get ready speak later bye:unsure:

28-07-08, 14:28
hiya tracey, let me know how u get on hun. be brave it will be ok hug sxxxxx

milly jones
28-07-08, 16:59
hi hun

guess ull be back now, and probably emotionally exhausted.

but even tho its painful to do, it does bring a sense of relief from sharing ur innermost feelings. the crying will come and the emotional release that comes too is immense.

i hope that u have the courage to continue and feel the benefit too.

as has been said before u have to be open and truthful and give 100% as the therapists are only there to help u. they do not judge and will only guide ur thoughts.

take care

milly xxxx

28-07-08, 17:02
hi i am back poor man his ears must be well and truly glad i have gone it felt so good 1. to get out of the house ON MY OWN no kids
2. to switch my phone of and now i can be on my own
3, to be able to talk and get things of my chest
4, to be free of that ton weight on my shoulders
and just to have a moan and not be judged cause no matter how much u love children and hubby it is still nice to be able to have a moan about those things that nigle at u and get it of ur chest tell me y again was i panicking before i went and i have come home and kids are quiet and relaxed and hubby doing tea god they have had a change of heart or aliens have abducted my real family and left me new ones lol where have my family gone dont understand cannot believe i was so pathetic and pancking over nothing

milly jones
28-07-08, 17:05
well done hunny

how brave u are

im really glad u felt the benefit of ur sessions

milly xx

28-07-08, 17:06
tracey i am so pleased u went and got everything out in the open, when do u go back? i think it will really help and even the stuff u find hard to talk about feels good after its all out. welldone matey and im glad your family are all behaving hehe, shows they care doesnt it xxx

28-07-08, 18:27
5 more sessions every monday at 3pm they r still behaving i am sure they have been abducted lol still behavin gand tea was lovely a nice salad love it and enjoyed every mouth ful

28-07-08, 18:37
awww sounds lovely matey and long may it continue, its great when they all behave hehe. you will feel much better after counselling im glad u r going. hugs to u xx

eternally optimistic
28-07-08, 23:22