View Full Version : Bad guts

02-05-05, 13:14

Bit embarassing but I have been having terrible gut rot in the last few days. I have had anxiety for years but this was not a symptom I have previously experienced with any severity or regularity.

It really hurts all the time, feels like my stomach is on fire, and is causing embarassing smells!! Not nice for anyone who is with me!

Anyone else had this or know what I can do? It is causing a lot of discomfort and making relaxing very difficult

Cheers, Joe

02-05-05, 13:20
hello Joe,

I have had a bad tummy for the last week or so whereas I never had it before. I have noticed that the unhealthier I eat, the worse it gets and viceversa..

Sarah :D

02-05-05, 13:22
I suffered Anxiety for years to and 18 months ago i got this realy bad, it was horrible and yes it was all i think to do with anxiety. over the 18 months I had it I had blood tests, X-Rays, Barrium enema and a sygmoidoscopy only to find it was IBS and all down to worry and anxiety. hope this is of some help. Vernon

02-05-05, 14:34
Hi Vernon/ Sarah

IBS? hmm hope its not that - best get that checked out you could be right. My brother has that, its not very pleasant is it?

My eating habits have changed recently I dont know if that might have anything to do with it. I have just become a veggie about 3 weeks ago so my diet has changed, possibly Im missing Fish/ Tuna/ Chicken. I know these are good foods to eat if depressed/anxious so maybe my system is missing them as used to eat a lot of these.

Thanks for help, Joe

02-05-05, 17:20
Joe - it could be that. Best to ask your doctor about it. :D

02-05-05, 17:55
IBS isnt to bad really joe with me its the Anxiety that sets it off. You will find keep the anxiety down and tummy seems so much better

02-05-05, 18:33
Hi Joe,

It may not be what you're missing...it may be what you've added. Have you started eating a lot of grains/beans lately? I started eating a lot of grains and beans about a month ago, and my tummy wasn't happy for the first 2 weeks or so (bloating, gas--smelly etc etc...sorry for details). It might be that your digestive system isn't used to it, but it will adapt (mine is fine now). Try to stick with it, but of course discuss it with your GP, I think in the long run it will be better for you.


02-05-05, 20:09
Joe ,

I agree with Lisa - when you go veggie you don't eat as much binding stuff and lots more roughage and hard to digest stuff and what you describe is the net result . Its gets better as your body gets used to it - also live yogurt helps

Or if you were doing it for health reasons rather than principles could you revert back to your previous diet for a week just to prove to yourself that it is that rather than anything else..


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