View Full Version : Plagued with gneral health fear

28-07-08, 09:53
Hi, I am new to this forum and I am so pleased to have found somewhere that people suffering with health worries can exchange their stories. My problem is that for more years than I care to rememeber I am worried sick about my health.Everything and anything makes me scared. The latest is that I have been suffering with a congestion in my head and ears and it from time to time gives me a really echoing/hollow sound in my head ...I can hear amplified sounds when I eat and speak..more so when I look down..its not there when I look up.I also have a post nasal drip with it. Then it will go away for a few days and then come back for a few hours and so on.( I do normally suffer with hay fever at this time of the year) Anyway last night I had to get out of bed and go to the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror one pupil was a bit bigger than the other.I am absolutely freaked out by this. has anyone else had this or anything like it? My pupils soon acclimatised and they are normal now and responding to light/dark properly.
My problems also are that I am too scared to go to the doctor in case he tells me I have symptoms of a brain tumour or other similar disorder. And whenever I do go (the last time I went was about four years ago)I always imagine that the doctor has missed a serious symptom . Please help me someone as I have exhausted the patience of my family and I feel so desperate and alone. Thank you.

28-07-08, 10:23
Hi Maggie May,
I'm so sorry to hear how dreadful you have suffered over the years but I can quite understand as I too live in constant fear of a terminal illness. As for your current symptoms it sounds to me as though it is hay fever you are suffering from, this can effect the ears nose and eyes. Unlike you I always have to go to my GP for reassurance and I wish you were brave enough to go and see yours, not that I think you have anything seriously wrong with you but that they will be able to put your mind at rest about this and then you will feel so much better. Take care.

28-07-08, 10:26
Welcome to the forum. You'll find some wonderful people on here who are all in the same boat. I have felt reassured to know I'm not the only one out there.

As for your pupils beings different sizes, I think that sometimes if more light is going into one than the other then that could be an explanation? Was there a significant difference in size?

I have terrible problems with my head at the moment as well so I know how you feel.

28-07-08, 10:33
Hi Maggiemay

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here. I can really sympathise with your head and ear congestion coz I have been coping with this for several weeks now.

Take care


28-07-08, 11:20
Why does every one assume that brain tumours are terminal? :shrug:

tayside lassie
28-07-08, 11:45
hi maggiemay ....ive suffered for years on/off with sinus probs but this last year has been the worst ive had all the symptoms you have with terrible dizzines on top ..all i can say is if sinusis are bad maybe you have bit of an infection ...im now back on nasal sprays after stopping them over a year ago as i had right sided probs with sinus and it was affecting my eye ....i hope it clears up soon and im sure your doc has not missed anything ...


28-07-08, 11:51
I think because they fear the worst Trixie. I don't think all of us HA suffers are very educated on what the actual coniditons are they are worried about. I don't mean that as an insult as I include myself in that. I think if we understood more it would help us cope and face our fears.

28-07-08, 11:54
I think because they fear the worst Trixie. I don't think all of us HA suffers are very educated on what the actual coniditons are they are worried about. I don't mean that as an insult as I include myself in that. I think if we understood more it would help us cope and face our fears.
It does pay to read up about the treatment for different ailments. Those cancers that once were terminal are not any more especially if caught in time.

28-07-08, 12:13
I often think that the best treatment for me would be for someone to educate me in how the body works and why these illnesses really shouldn't concern me. Not just counselling but education as well. I might go into business...

28-07-08, 12:32
I often think that the best treatment for me would be for someone to educate me in how the body works and why these illnesses really shouldn't concern me. Not just counselling but education as well. I might go into business...

This is a good site but it shouldn't be used as a shopping list


28-07-08, 15:38
Hi Everyone, I to have suffered from these fears and dreads. Every twinge and pain is a serious illness. I could not go to my doctor over this, in case they give me bad news, and I know you should never Google your symptoms, but we all do.I also have these fears over my nearest and dearest. I suppose it just makes me feel better to know I'm not alone.

Take care everyone

28-07-08, 15:45
Hi Everyone, I to have suffered from these fears and dreads. Every twinge and pain is a serious illness. I could not go to my doctor over this, in case they give me bad news, and I know you should never Google your symptoms, but we all do.I also have these fears over my nearest and dearest. I suppose it just makes me feel better to know I'm not alone.

Take care everyone

Sometimes you find an inner strength if you have any of these illnesses and think more about your families worries than your own.:)

28-07-08, 19:06
Hi eveyone, thank you all so much for trying to help. What a brilliant site this is. It is so great to hear someone say that they have exactly the same symptoms and had them for years or something. I still am not sure if anyone has had the hollow head sound just like mine! I hav been trying to take my mind off things and do some wallpapering and I was bending down and twisting my head, sneezing cos thats my hay fever thing and bingo the head got all congested and hollow sounding. When i tap my head particularly my forehead it sounds like tapping on a hollow plastic tube! Please has anyone had just this?? i feel absolutely fine otherwise and thankfully I am not on any medication.

28-07-08, 19:56
I have had chronic ear infections since I was 3 months old. I get this often, and have gotten it often for 34 years. I am pretty sure that it is caused by congestion in the middle ear, which prevents the eardrum from making normal vibrations. It is very similar to putting in earplugs, only the congestion is a bit deeper. You should get checked out for an ear or sinus infection, but like you said, it is probably just hay fever.

Hope this helps,