View Full Version : day out

28-07-08, 11:10
Arghhhh im sooooo nervous and panicky ....my mom is taking me and my daughter for a walk round weston park I really want 2 do it and im going 2 do it but I feel soooooo ill just thinking about it Its a large park with stately home ......i keep telling myself i'll be ok but then I think no I won't .......I keep thinking its 2 much 2 soon .....am I doing the right thing in going ???????

Hope every1s well xxx

28-07-08, 11:12
hiya and well i think u should do this for you, and u will be fine hun. when u have done it and got home u will feel so good for doing it. be strong hun and enjoy the sunshine hugs to u xxx

28-07-08, 12:32
Thanx Donna I didnt go ..argghhhhhh just felt so anxious and giddy when mom came 2 pick us up I coldnt stop crying and just couldnt go .....perhaps it was 2 big a thing 2 soon ...or is that just an excuse ????????? I really hate the heat aswell so that made me anxiuos as I get sooooo hot .Feel im going back not forward x

28-07-08, 13:25
i know wot u mean about the heat i dont like it too hot i just cant be bothered hugs xxx

28-07-08, 19:24
Awww, sorry you couldn't go but there will be other times. It's been so hot today that if you feel faint due to panic then the heat will only bring on the symptoms. I had to go to town and was dreading it. Sure enough, as soon as I got there I began to panic and felt sick, dizzy and faint. Luckily I was able to sit down for a bit while the symptoms subsided. The heat was awful though and I was glad to be home.

Better luck next time.


28-07-08, 20:07
Thanx 4 replies ...Ive got over the dissapointment and glad I went with my gut feelings cus its been soooo hot I prob would have spoilt the day they were out for 6 hours so Glad I didnt go that would have been way 2 long out for me xxx

There will be other days like you say xxxxxxx

How negative am I in my text ..must start being positive hax