View Full Version : wierd feelings

28-07-08, 11:31
I dont know if this is side effect from med, the weather or anxiety but for last week I feel so bored yet so lethargic. I feel like I have so much adrenalin through my body yet have no strength to do anything. Any suggestions:shrug:

28-07-08, 16:14
How is your fitness?

Since I have gotten so out of condition it's the same for me. I am weak, get tired at the slightest thing and when I try to relax my heart is going faster than it which gets my anxious. If you are not at your best physically this might explain these symptoms.

All the best


29-07-08, 11:07
I have been like this alot in the past, and still feel this way some days. The best ways is to push yourself to do small amounts of exercise, it uses the adrenalin up and then you don't feel so lethargic. Try talking a walk in the fresh air to your local shop, slowly, and concentrate on your surroundings instead of your bodies tiredness.
This usually helps for me, goodluck x

29-07-08, 12:15
Thanks guys xx