View Full Version : hello all...am i suffering from a panic attack?

28-07-08, 12:11
hi all...may all of you are in best of health

I'm female and i'm 19 years old. During the past few weeks..i've been experiencing a weird and eerie situation. It frst started on 3 july when i was in class...i was sitting calmly listening to my friends talking when suddenly i felt a short jolt from my upper-left side back and my heart started to beat very fast. i also felt a tingling or more like a goosebump sensation surrounding my back. It was very scary. I started to walk out of the classroom to breathe some fresh air and the heart palpitations subsided.

after a few days, my school was preparing for a jubilee event , so i had to stay in school till very late at night. While i was walking home during that night, i happened to pass a very dark contruction site with a narrow pathway. Suddenly, i felt that my heart beats fast again and i began to feel scared. I felt the extreme adrenaline rush even after i've left the contruction

the next day, i began to have problems sleeping and continue to feel like some hot liquid being rushed from my stomach up towards my upper body, and when that happened my heart beats fast again.

now a few weeks have passed and i'm recovering, but i'm still feeling a bit anxious, lightheaded,and experiencing muscle spasms. my stomach still feels hot at times but the "rushing effect" has subsided. so did i suffer from a panic attack? or just some kind of phobia? and will it occur repeatedly? i'm worried abt this because i'll be facing two major exams this year and the exams are coming really near, one is next month and the other in 2 months time. I'm afraid that this will effect my studying process.

I hope that soemone could help explain to me this and provide to me tips on how to overcome it. thank u very much:)

milly jones
28-07-08, 15:36
i would suggest u visit ur gp with this post and gain advice from them as to ur condition.

there are lots of tips etc on anxiety on the nmp website

the forum also contains top tips too

milly xxx