View Full Version : citalopram

28-07-08, 13:23
I take 1 tablet each of Citalpopram-20 mg + Clonazepam - 0.5 mg every night since last 4 years. When it was started, I felt very good after 3-4 days and there were no notable side effects. As I felt better, 2-3 times, I asked my doctor to continue with it or not. He advised to stop me whenever possible, of course, gradually. But, somehow, I didn't stop it.
Since last 6 months, I feel that I couldn't sleep properly at night. I haven't slept continuously for for than 2-3 hours. And, sometimes, for a day or two, I feel depressed during daytime.

Is the drug not effecting anymore? Shall I increase the dose of Clonazepam?

I will be thankful, if some expert advise me whether to continue or to stop it gradually (state the time period, as it is to be discontinued after 4 years)?

Over the years, anxiety has effected me , being a perfactionist/sensitive. And, whenever, I approached the doctors, I was advised the latest drug which has always effective.

28-07-08, 15:03
I am not sure if there are any experts here, and any advice given should always be checked with your own doctor. They have the training and, most importantly, know your full medical history. Even a fully trained professional would never diagnose or seek to treat an illness without that information. Please treat all advice given here as just that, general advice. But it does come from people who have been in your situation before.

What I can tell you is that I know from past experience that something that can happen with citalopram is the "fear" of your body getting used to it. Clinically I think the process it uses is not as susceptible to your body "getting used" to it as you might think, certainly there are other drugs out there where it happens far more easily and more often. That is not to say it can't happen though. What might be happening to you is that you are becoming anxious about falling into the pit of despair again, and you are worrying about the drug not working. 20mg is a lowish dose so I wouldn't think there is any problem with you going up to 40mg if you want, but you do need to talk about it with your doctor. There are hundreds of reasons why it might be a bad idea in a particular case and he will know from your medical history if you are suitable to be upgraded. He will also most likely consider other drugs such as tricyclics. The important thing is you book an appointment today and discuss your fears with your GP. Don't be nervous talking it, you'd be amazed how many of those other people in the waiting room are depressives too. Be clear about your symptoms and let him make the final judgement.

Most likely he will upgrade you to 40mg. However given your problems sleeping he may think an alternative drug would be useful.

Let us know how things get on.


milly jones
28-07-08, 15:24
please seek the gps advice hun

they are the only ppl who can give u help

milly xx

28-07-08, 16:22
Your doc may increase your dose and/or prescribe a sleeping pill. I take a sleeping pill every night due to the side effects of Citalopram (prescribed by my doc). Taking the sleeping pill works great and I rarely wake up in the night anymore. Your doc is the best person to go to - ask his/her advice.