View Full Version : Insomnia and update x

28-07-08, 13:30
:yesyes: Hello folks x

Just thought I would ask if anyone here has really bad sleeping issues, I can go to bed and sleep aroun 2 hours a nite then I am wide awake with my mind going into overdrive, also and update I have been back to the docs for lung function test, which has shown I have healthy lungs I have to go back lter for an ECG, I am also being refered to a counciller and have to up my tablets to 20mg xxx

Any advice would be appreciated

Love Sam xx:bighug1:

Veronica H
28-07-08, 17:02
Hi Sam
I think we all get some sleep problems with this illness from time to time. The best advice I have received about sleep is not to expect that it will stay this way. I can have a few nights disturbed sleep or waking early followed by several good nights. If I can't get back to sleep I get up have some warm milk and then go back again. I also put ear plugs in as I have found that I am much more sensitive to outside noises if I have woken early.
Best wishes
Veronica H

milly jones
28-07-08, 17:33
hi hun

my insomnia became chronic. it affected work and lasted about 6 months.

i went to gp over nighttime pas after 2-3 hours sleep.

i was given a sleeping tablet zopiclone intially and my medication changed by the psychiatrist.

im totally off the zopliclone now and still continuing the citalopram for anx and dep.

the night pas a infrewuent now, but im still not back at work.

take care

milly xx