View Full Version : Panic Attacks x

28-07-08, 15:35
Hey all

Just a question does anyones panic attack last ages, like the aftermath breathless etc x Mine goes on for days. I have just been diagonosed with them though. I am feeling very worried which isnt very good of course x

Thank you

Sam x:wacko:

28-07-08, 16:01
Sort of for me.

I had a psychiatric nurse visit for a bit last year and had this arguement with her. She told me in the end that she'd done all she could and it was now up to me to do the rest even though I was still suffering from panic attacks- in fact little had changed. She said the next step was to get out and endure one and only by doing that would I get over this. I told her I couldn't do that as panic attack doesn't stop and can go on for hours later. She said that wasn't the case and it should only last for at most 20 minutes. That wasn't the case with me.

What I have come to realise though that in my case anyway the line between the end of a panic attack and the start of general anxiety is blurred. The panic attack does subside but I am not aware of it because my general anxiety is at such a high level- more so after a panic attack. It's this genral anxiety in the aftermath of a panic attack plus the exhaustion that doesn't allow me know the panic attack is over- twice in the past it has got so bad I've fallen asleep.

The panic attack takes alot out of us and when it is over we do not, I think, go back to no anxiety. I think this is why it feels like it goes on longer than it does.