View Full Version : Hi everybody - sorry for long message!

Miss Alissa
28-07-08, 16:12

I’ve just come across this site and have almost welled up about a hundred times reading other people’s experiences. I can relate to so much of it and although I’ve been dealing with various anxiety disorders for most of my life, have never ever spoken to anybody about it. When I think hard about it I don’t think I remember a time when I haven’t been very scared of something – it’s almost my default setting, and whilst for a long time I have managed that pretty well, it makes me so sad to realise that.

Reading other people’s posts made me start to think about when I first started to struggle – and reading somebody else’s post that they were scared the from the minute they found out that people died made so much sense to me. The thought that something was going to get me or my family never really left.

My father physically/sexually and mentally abused my mother (often in front of me) from a young age and I am well aware of the impact that this is likely to have had – although I have spent such a long time trying to prove that it didn’t and that I’m just normal like everybody else, I think I’ve probably tried not to think of it. I started having severe panic attacks when I was about 8 years old. It was terrifying and isolating but somehow I managed to manage them and I started to understand them and suffer less. Over the next few years I developed mild OCD, an eating disorder (not anorexia or bulimia, just very controlled eating) and had the occasional panic attack along the way. Again, I somehow always managed to get to a point where I could work through these behaviours, see them as part of my anxious nature and move on – although it wasn’t always quick or easy!

During my 2nd year at University my father was accused of sexually abusing a child we had known and I was called to give evidence against him. I hadn’t heard from my father for years and was completely unable to remember anything of the alleged incident. The case was thrown out of court but it completely upended everything for me – not only were awful memories from my childhood dragged up and analysed in detail, but I was consumed with the guilt that I had got it wrong and that my mistake might be putting other children (including a half brother and sister I’d never met) at risk. After this my eating got far worse – I got very thin and all I remember of those few years afterwards is being scared and worried and lonely.

Once again after a while I managed to put that behind me, to try to let the rational side of my brain take charge for a while – and I managed pretty well until about a year and a half ago when a long-term relationship ended. I had recently moved house, job and city and was already having trouble settling when the relationship ended very suddenly. I felt completely and utterly lost – I started having panic attacks again – I developed severe acne, I couldn’t sleep, I was literally sick with fear - I would just walk the streets for hours and hours because I could never switch my brain off. I was exhausted and constantly preoccupied with all the awful things that could happen to me. Every time I started to feel a little better I almost forced myself to find something else to worry about because I was so terrified of feeling settled and having it taken away again – it was almost addictive – if I was scared, I was alert and knew what my happen and that was oddly comforting. This manifested itself in extreme health anxiety – it was almost as if I knew how to manage panic attacks and OCD and eating disorders so I was moving on to something less controllable. After a long period of time I decided on a new start and went to Paris on my own to live – it was amazing and calming and for the first time in such a long time I felt like me – I was far away from friends and family and comfort yet I felt free of a lot of the problems I’d felt at home. I came back about 4 months ago and although I thought I was doing much better I have been struggling – but very much in secret! Mainly with health anxiety – worse than it has ever been before. I am putting this down to not feeling particularly settled in my home/job/relationship since I’ve been back, and also maybe the fear of being back itself after a long time away. But as much I try to remind myself of that, this is also so real to me – I can’t do anything but think and analyse everything that could be wrong with me. In the last 2 months I’ve been convinced I’ve had at least 5 very serious conditions. I just want to stop it now. Which is why it was so amazing to read this site – I don’t feel like anybody around me would understand if I tried to explain to them. I have good friends, family, a relationship which makes me happy – I don’t feel like they could understand. If you met me I guess you’d never know – even my family don’t think of me as having a problem despite the panic attacks and OCD. They’ve always seen me as the one who copes and I’m very scared of admitting that this means that maybe I can’t – that I never have. I’m high-achieving, ambitious, and extroverted so sometimes I just get so mad at myself for letting this get the better of me. I know where it comes from – I guess even just writing this confirms what I already knew – that it comes in waves and cycles and you just have to learn the best ways to look after yourself and ride it out. But it’s hard.

I’m sorry – this is such a long post. I think I just wanted to say thank you for giving people a space to talk about it. Even just reading and writing this has given me a little comfort.



28-07-08, 16:24
hi A and welcome to nmp, first of all welldone for writing all that cos it takes alot and u were really brave mate. 2nd no wonder u r suffering and u have held this all inside u for so long and i can relate to you totally in a different way but to do with my parents. i too am excellent at putting on a front, acting tough, strong and independent, im sociable etc but inside i am a total wreck, i feel worthless, useless, not wanted, not listened too etc and like u its all inside ready to explode. well i am having CBT counselling for the last 5 months, i pay private costs me 40 pound per session which is a struggle but well worth it and its given me lots more confidence and helped me deal with alot of stuff, the only thing left i need to deal with is my parents and thats my biggest challenge. have u spoken to anyone else like your mum about how you really feel? if not it may def help but if u cant then a counselling is real good just to get it off your chest and they give u diff ways of thinking about stuff and coping. it will help with the HA too, i had that after my nan died 3 yrs back i was so close to her she was like my mum really and she died sudden cancer, and i convinced myself for months after i had everything out there and had panic attacks and so on, but i have got better now with the HA, unless i really do have a prob then i panic. change is sometimes a real good thing too hun, i have moved before and got rid of so called friends and family in my life as i wanted only to focus on positive stuff. keep posting and we will help u as much as we can also u can pm me anytime hun and im happy to listen hugs xxxx

milly jones
28-07-08, 16:39
aww hunny

what a lot uve had to deal with xx

well ur in a safe place now with ppl that understand

a warm nmp welcome

milly xxx

28-07-08, 17:40
Hiya Hun :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
Well done on your first post, it can take a lot to get it of your chest.
You are a very strong lady to have seen and gone through what you have and still be fighting to get past this. Have you ever gone to your doc about counselling for YOU? Panic/anx/fear can be a terrible road to travel when you are going it alone. Well you have now found so many ppl here who will relate to what you have been through and are still struggleing with.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
keep posting and we will help you as much as we can

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


28-07-08, 18:47
Hi Alissa,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


28-07-08, 21:37
Hello Allisa And Welcome To The Site,wish Ya Well,linda

28-07-08, 23:23
Hi Alissa

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

28-07-08, 23:51
I understand what you mean when your family thinks of you being the strong one when really you feel like the weakest, its just that you have had to deal with things. Our brains are strange things the way they hide things away from us and then when you least expect it they pop right back again and makes you feel like youve been set back years, you just have to brush yourself off and start again.Easier said than done i know but you have made a really good start and you have obviously coped better than you think, give yourself a bit more credit. :)

Miss Alissa
29-07-08, 11:45
Hi again everybody

Thank you so so much for your responses – you have no idea how comforting it has been just to know there are a few people out there who understand. I have been thinking for the last 6 months or so that CBT might help me – oddly not because I felt I was getting worse but because I felt like I’d got to a point where I was strong enough to handle it. I think speaking to a professional would be helpful – I’m still a little scared but even this has helped. I suppose it probably belongs on another post, but how easy is it to get referred by your GP? I almost wouldn’t know where to start.

Thanks again everybody – it means a lot to hear supportive words!



29-07-08, 12:08
hiya well depending on where u are its can take ages through docs to get an appointment, which is why i went private i looked under counselling for my area on internet and found a lady near me who does cbt and shes great but it does cost 40pound per session which is usually once a week so its is costly and i have had lots of trouble affording it but its well worth it and i would not have got where i am now without it xx