View Full Version : Hi Everyone

28-07-08, 16:27
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself to the forum. I have visited the site a few times over the last week and it seems to be a great resource. Some of the articles and forum posts have been very useful and it’s reassuring to know that people do manage to cope successfully with anxiety.

I am 28 years old and have suffered from depression and anxiety on and off over the last decade. My worst episodes were at university and during a particularly bad work situation a few years ago. I have tried various types of therapy and medication and on many occasions, I’ve felt like I’ve managed to beat it once and for all, only for it to resurface later on.

My biggest problem at the moment is acute anxiety, mostly related to my work. I work in higher education and am responsible for organising a high profile medical degree that begins in October. Up to now, my job has been about planning the curriculum and timetable and generally making sure everything is in place before the course begins.

As October gets nearer, I am finding myself getting more and more anxious and worrying about things I know I probably can’t control. I usually wake up with a heavy feeling of dread in the morning. Every day, I go into work with the intention of doing something positive but I end up distracting myself to avoid confronting work problems. As you can imagine, this only makes things worse and I get trapped in a negative cycle of thinking. I have had a number of panic attacks recently and find myself running to the toilet or leaving the office for a walk instead of facing up to things that worry me.

The main thought I can’t help going back to is the way I agonised over taking the job in the first place. When I was offered it early last year, I had some real doubts about whether I could cope with the extra responsibility and was on the verge of staying put. In the end I decided I would be able to deal with it and that I needed the extra money as I was just about to buy a flat with my girlfriend. I can’t seem to help going back to feeling regret that I didn’t follow my gut instinct.

Outside of work, I enjoy writing and would like to become a freelance journalist one day. I enrolled on a distance learning course last October, but so far have only completed one of the lessons. Deep down that it could lead to something really exciting but I’ve been unable to just sit down and do it.

In the past I have resorted to using crutches to fall back on when I’ve felt bad. At university I self-harmed regularly for over a year and at other times I have been too dependent on alcohol. It seems that I can’t get enough of pushing the self-destruct button as this time I’ve been using gambling as a ‘sticky plaster’. I’ve lost over £400 betting in online casinos since March.

I feel very guilty about feeling like this if that makes sense – in many ways my life is better than it ever has been. I am in a happy, settled relationship and live in a great flat in the area I always wanted to be. I’ve got absolutely nothing to complain about except that this thing in my mind that is holding me back.

I joined this forum because I want to learn from people who have been through similar experiences and offer support if I can. I’m desperate to get my mind to start working for me and not against me!

Thanks for reading this and I hope to get to know some of you soon.


milly jones
28-07-08, 16:36
hi mike

welcome to nmp

i can relate well to the work issues

i ended up with a breakdown, and am off work.

in my opinion the anx has to be dealt with and the stressors reduced or eliminated to gain full health

love milly xx

28-07-08, 17:45
Hiya Mike :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.

28-07-08, 18:17
Hi Mike,welcome to the forum.
I read your post a few times and I can relate to a great deal of it.
Like you,I had a really bad spell with panic and acute anxiety then eventualy over the course of a year I got back to normal.What I am finding now though is that when the stressors increase so does the anxiety and i made the mistake of letting too many things pile up,like layers until now I find that the panic has returned , but to a lesser degree.
I have learned that we must not try to fight the feelings but rather just ignore them....This is a thinking illness and in my opinion if we can get the thinking patterns corrected,relearned then our sesitized nerves will gradually heal.I know what you mean with the alcohol,I have been there too and it only makes things worse,well,it did with me.
I know it's so difficult to switch of your mind to negative thoughts but by comming to this site you will gather a wealth of information,tricks and tips that will help you to recover.
Try and obtain writings on positive thinking and the power of the subconcious.
It's been over a year since i had alcohol but then that's just me.I don't take any medication,I guess I am one of the lucky ones.
I have come to understand that all anxiety and panic which is exteme anxiety are all based on the fealing of FEAR .This isn't real fear because there is nothing to be fearful of but rather a feeling of fear.This can seem very real and feels horrible,iv'e had it all.If you can understand that this irrational fear is caused by wrong thinking then by working on changing your thinking the fear will go.It worked for me but as I say I became complacant and let it start brewing up again.

Keep comming back hear and you will learn much.
Sorry for the long reply


28-07-08, 18:56
Hi Mike,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

It seems that I can’t get enough of pushing the self-destruct button as this time I’ve been using gambling as a ‘sticky plaster’

To me, this statement seems like it is more than just an anxiety issue and if I were you I would dig deeper and find the cause with a psychologist. Good luck and glad you are here.

Take care,


28-07-08, 21:35
Hello Mike And Welcome To The Site ,wish Ya Well,linda

28-07-08, 23:24
Hi Mike

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

29-07-08, 15:17
Thanks everyone for making me feel welcome and thanks to Tom in particular for your insight - it was really helpful.


29-07-08, 15:56

30-07-08, 22:23
Hi Mike.
I like to try and welcome new folks and sometimes get carried away.I have volumes of stuff in my head I would love to share but I get confused and find it difficult with the grammar and how to put things in the right order.
I know what I want to say but trying to say it is not so easy.
One day I will write a very long post explaining my story .

I hope you are well Mike and thanks for your comments on my reply


31-07-08, 14:06
Hi Mike

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

31-07-08, 16:13
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

26-08-08, 16:31
hi mike i hope you enjoy the site, people seem nice here and very motivating. wish you luck depression and anxiety is hard but you will pull through

26-08-08, 16:39
Hi Mike

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here

Take care


26-08-08, 19:07
Hi and :welcome: :welcome: to nmp.

hope you find the help your looking for and im sure you will make many new friends along the way.
Take care