View Full Version : How much time do I spend on this????

02-05-05, 18:36
Hi everyone,

I have a general question...how much time each day should I devote to reading/journalling etc etc, basically working on overcoming the anxiety? I am doing my best to keep as busy as possible to distract my mind as I find that this helps...but then I'm starting to worry that I'm just ignoring the problem and not doing any good in the long run. Any suggestions?


02-05-05, 18:41
hi Lisa,

Maybe you could do things that keep you busy AND combat your anxiety - for example read books about how to overcome anxiety, do relaxation CDs, cook healthy meals that will actively help you overcome anxiety, keep a journal that helps you keep track of how you are feeling, etc..

Sarah :D

02-05-05, 18:46
HI Sara,
My problem right now is that the more time I spend reading/writing etc, the more down I get, because I feel like the anxiety is taking all of my time. I only feel happy and fulfilled when I am out spending time with friends. So I'm trying to find out what a good balance would be between "normal/fun time" and "therapy time".


02-05-05, 18:50
Why don't you set yourself a certain amount of time per day Lisa that you will devote to your anxiety? Say to yourself "During this hour of my day I will deal with my anxiety and during the rest of the day I will forget about it and get on with my life.." :D

02-05-05, 19:11
Sorry to be such a pest about this..but do you think an hour a day is enough? I'm not working right now, so I'm thinking that I could devote more time to it, but then when I add in the yoga, accupunsture, doctor, psychiatrist etc etc it seems to take up so much time. I guess mostly I'm getting a little frustrated that I need to devote time to this (just want a "normal" life), but then I also want to get better, so its pulling me in both directions.


02-05-05, 19:49
I think you should journal for as much time as it takes a day - usually about 1/2 hour, then do sometheingb else ecch day to push back your boundaries of fear and then something good which makes you calm or energized - yoga /exercise/ friends

That covers all aspects


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

02-05-05, 20:41
hi Lis,

I would just try and do the things you have to ie psychiatrist, doc, acupuncture, yoga etc and after each of these things like for an hour after, realise all the benefits you have got out of each one and how each time you do these things is a step closer to normality.. then the rest of the time is yours to see friends and do chores, listen to music etc..
how come its so much easier to give advice than take it yourself!!?!?!
spk soon honey,

03-05-05, 09:54
Hi Lisa
Im the same Ive been off work for 5 wks now, I start my new job next mon...and am so nervous about getting back to reality....anyway Im the same as you at first it seemed like from the moment i got up to when i went to bed was filled with yoga, gym, doctors, breathing reading anxiety books and now not as much time spent on it, feel like im neglecting helping myself as am now trying to ditract myself from it....but am going to have to be good and dedicate more time wisely!. Hope your ok XXXX