View Full Version : Losing the plot

Venus Calling
28-07-08, 23:54
The last PA I had was in the cinema last Thursday that I sat through, hard as it was. I had one during my sleep on Sat/Sun which I fought off although I was a bit jittery for most of the day but by the evening it had worn off and since then I've been fine, half expecting one to creep up on me and half thinking I'm getting through this. Then this evening I got some palpitations that lasted for quite a while - now I've had these for over a year and they never bothered me, still don't really but I felt strange not even in a PA type of strange - I don't know what it was - it was almost as if I would have kept on thinking about it I could have had a PA. I listened to my relaxation tape and read a Claire Weekes book for added reassurance just in case. I even burst in to tears at one point which only usually happens after a full blown PA so I am at a loss as to what is happening to me. It sounds like nothing and it was yet it disturbed me. I've got chest pain but that is more likely to do with the KFC I had for dinner than anything else! I was up at 7am this morning (woke at 6am) as I had to wait for the plumber to come and I usually get up around 10 - I dropped off for 15 mins reading this afternoon which seems to be enough to keep me up til now...

Maybe I'm just thinking about it all too much even though I think I'm not. I don't suppose reading about it all the time is helping - what do you think?

29-07-08, 04:39
I think you've just got anxiety--I've felt like what you've described. That sort of strange feeling that could easily push into a PA if triggered the right way. I don't even realize that I am anxious until I think about it conciously, so maybe it's a subconcious thing that's going on in the back of our minds. Once I do in fact realize that it is anxiety, it all becomes so clear and I realize that I was subconciously thinking about some kind of stressor (a test, a health worry, a tiff with someone) and it was worrying me without me actually thinking conciously about it. If that makes any sense. Usually once I figure out what's really bothering me I calm down and feel more relaxed. Maybe you're subconciously worried about having PAs, since you said you were half-expecting one to creep up on you? I know I was.

29-07-08, 05:44
You are already one step ahead of me. I cannot get into a theatre. I worry way to much about having a PA that I dont even bother trying. I think listening to the relaxation and reading was a great idea but I also agree that sometimes we need a break from reading about it. PA's come on without warning, sometimes without real reason and they are very hard to make sense of. Just know that you are not alone and we are all here for you to help you the best way we know how.

Venus Calling
29-07-08, 10:20
Thank you - I'm not crazy yet then?!! :winks: I always feel worse when things start happening at night, I cope much better in the day time. I no longer bother telling my husband how I feel as when I have he just says 'Why's that then?!' Duh! If I knew that I wouldn't mention it! He doesn't understand nor care if I am honest. Thankfully the internet means I'm not isolated and that is a good thing. Your kind words are greatly appreciated.