View Full Version : I'm returning to my old worrying ways - please please help!!

29-07-08, 12:39
Hi guys and girls,

I have been out of work for 6 weeks or so and in that time my anxiety and health concerns have returned three-fold. At this moment in time i think i have an aortic aneurysm, heart failure, blood clots, and elarged heart or liver and others and its driving me crazy...i am so scared!!!! HELP!!!!

My heart is beating so abnormally all the time, even at rest and i have times of very difficult breathing and it feels to me like i have a blocked nose or nasal cavity, One nostril is fine though and the other is always blocked or has the sensation of this.

I am in a worrying state at the moment and it hasn't been aided by the fact that i havent been out of my house in 4 weeks. I am worried the agoraphobia is returning and for some reason, knowing i am in my safe zone is making me feel anxious and suffer with the above symptoms more because now i am dreading having to go out again.

I had a dreadful pain yesterday where my liver is situated and the skin around this area was very warm (i know it was a hot day yesterday but this area was warmer than anyother area of my body so it stood out for me)

I just want to lose the abnormal heart beats aswell. They are a constant source of concern and is causing the difficulty breathing. My chest just feels so weird, like there is something under my skin crawling and pulsating away. Being me i think allsorts; aneurysm, heart failure, a damaged heart or that a blood clot is getting ready to make its way towards my brain and give me a stroke. The inability to breathe properly is scary too as i have the mindest that if i feel like this when im just sitting down typing on a keyboard, how on earth would i feel when walking and exerting myself by doing so. Its a vicious cycle of fear and i know theres a way out of this, i just want some guidance here if you can share your wisdom. Tips, suggestions, ideas welcomed guys and girls, I love you all!!

Suffice to say i am in a seriously worrying state of mind.

Does anyone else get the overwhelming symptoms i mentioned here? Please describe if you would :o) Being so physical, could these symptoms still be just anxiety.

Another thing i do which is wrong is google. I know i shouldnt do it but i do.

My BP when checked last night was 123/84 or 86 and just now it was 133/88.

I need you guys!! I am scared of never getting back on track or dying... SO SCARED!!!!

I have to go out tomorrow and i am in despair. Please can someone supply some surefied tips to try and breeze through this.

God Bless


29-07-08, 13:07
Hi dave

The reason as you know for this coming back is the fact you're out of work. You have too much time on your hands to sit and worry. I think that's why time off from work isn't a good thing to prescribe to anxiety sufferers as it makes thme worse.

You need to try and find something to occupy your mind. And take this extra time to do some relaxation (I know that's easier said than done) or some yoga and do try and se if you can manage to get out of the house. Do you have a backyard you can sit in for a bit of fresh air?

If you can't manage going far, just a couple of blocks and back and build it up. Set yourself some goals. It really will improve if you persever and it sounds like you have gotton over it in the past from what you have said.

You know deep down the heart reactions are all normal reactions to this difficult period and we're all here to try and help in th best way we can.

I have been there, it's scary when you can't face going places but somehow I found the strength and I know you will too. I found getting on to public transport to come to work difficult at one point but now I'm ok. But I don't honestly know how I got there other than forcing myself to do it.

Most of all you need to find a hobby to occupy your mind while you are out of work. Even if it is just reading or pottering in the garden (if you have one). You need to get lost in something and you will see that you feel a little better.