View Full Version : Sorry But I've Gotta Rant And Moan ...

29-07-08, 13:40
im really, really sorry but i've got to moan as im so fed up and fustrated

It's been 12 years since that night i woke up with my heart racing,chest pounding, feeling dizzy, scared ( well you all know the symptoms), 12 years later and im still no better in fact i'm worst then ever, im still worried , scared and sick to the back teeth of it all, (i am sure im not alone).

I have so many symptoms, alot of them so worrying i dont how much longer i can take it, take todays symptoms -

Feeling like my brain is being swished around, dizziness, snowy vision,floaters numb body with tingly feelings, weakness, tightness around my heart which makes it feel like it moved and like a balloon,(feels like a heart attack,) left arm and leg feels tired and heavy, rapid heartbeat, extremely tired - i mean my body aches from just moving, feeling breathless - like my lungs are always breathing out, i could write allday,

Ive been to the doctors, ive been many, many times, had blood tests, ECG's (last one in Jan), been on every tablet from beta blocker to anti depressant,theopy groups, nothing ever works!!, im so fed up with - i've had to quits jobs because im never well, i hardly go out because i feel terrible!! i have no life - just days of fear and feeling bad!!

how do you people cope, im so sorry again for the rant but im at my whits end, i just want my 12 years back!!!

Venus Calling
29-07-08, 14:13
I started feeling rotten this afternoon and tried to keep busy to distract myself. I wanted to post on here but was so angry with myself for letting this illness take me over - I couldn't see through the tears to type. However, I did listen to the relaxation MP3's on www.controllinganxiety.com under 'free recovery' and have to say it has calmed me down no end, so far better than anything else I have listened to.

I've only been suffering since the end of March and often wonder how people have coped with this for many years when I am falling to pieces already. I keep telling myself it is mind over matter although every now and again I reach a point when I think I can't do this.

If you haven't tried the relaxation give it a go - it's worth a try. I really feel heaps better now.