View Full Version : Diversion tactics to try - somerthing 'positive' found whilst googling :o)

29-07-08, 14:14
Have a go at these guys and girls

I am not looking forward to something tomorrow so i will try to employ some of these tomorrow

Here are a few examples of diversion tactics to use whilst having an attack. Practice them, they really work!

Splash face with cold water - this produces the dive reflex and causes your brain to send messages to your body to slow down
Distraction - Count down from 100 as fast as you can, repeat over and over. Do maths problems or anything else that occupies your mind
Listen to your favorite music loudly and sing along to it
Say to yourself - this has never hurt me, it has never hurt anyone else and it never will. I know what it is and it means nothing - disempower the attack
Tell yourself that what you are feeling are sensations; nothing more and that sensations never hurt anyone
Watch a funny video on TV, laugh out loud
Don't look at yourself in the mirror
Keep some apples in the fridge. Eat one, then another if you wish
Gently slap your cheeks and dance around - confuse your thoughts to distract them
In the night, get out of bed, turn on the TV, get a drink, eat an apple and keep moving
Talk to someone or phone someone - don't discuss your anxiety
Do something physical if you can
Do not sit down! Keep movingHave a go and let me know if they helped!!

God Bless


Venus Calling
29-07-08, 14:19
I've tried some of these - sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. It all depends on your frame of mind at the time an attack comes on as I've been perfectly happy at times when they happen - which I think is odd.

Number 7 intrigues me though. Why would that help? It's usually when I catch sight of myself I realise I look ok and there really isn't anything wrong with me!

29-07-08, 16:59
Some great suggestions there Dave- thanks.

The only one I have doubt over, like Jupiter Rocks, is the 7th one. The opposite actually works for me. I usually avoid the mirror and I really mean that. When I'm having a panic attack though I actually find it helps to look int. Left with my thoughts and all the worrying sensations I find looking in the mirror that there is no sign of all these physical sensations and I actually look quite normal so it gives some reassurance.

All the best


29-07-08, 18:05
I do most of that on a daily basis LOL the mirror one is interesting though.Do they say why not to look?

Pooh x

30-07-08, 15:33
Regarding No One, if you are out and about why not carry a tin of cooling mist, which is a fine spray of water. I find this helps me alot.

I carry this every where i go, and also one in the car.

31-07-08, 05:51
Great post, I'll give some of those I haven't tried a go.
I'm also going to try putting some cooling mist in my car - great idea shinney

Regarding number 7, I think almost everyone with panic checks their face in the mirror - I guess it's not exactly a diversion, rather it makes you focus on your panic and possible physical causes (I know, cos I'm forever checking my pupils in the mirror!) I guess it's for the same reason as calling someone and talking about something other than panic, these ideas are supposed to take our minds off panic.

Still, I have to admit I'm gonna keep checkin' that mirror - anything that helps is worth doing I say!