View Full Version : hi scared to eat

29-07-08, 15:34
hi i have put myself into a state of fear of eating i convinced i cant swallow properly although ive had the all clear scared to eat bulky stuff incase of the feeeling that its gonna stick and not eating very well the scope has ruled out anything but thing maybe im focusing on my food going down that this is why its happining any ideas

29-07-08, 15:36
hi joyce have u had baby yet? just wondered cos you said u were in early labour week or so ago. you are managing to get these tests done very quickly, u are lucky as lots of people have to wait a while.

29-07-08, 15:47
yes was in labour but everthing has stopped again what do you think about the eating i was referred because i was pregnant and we have a very short waiting list just go to a and e and they reffer you to the ent docs its that easy

29-07-08, 15:57
wow that is quick, well joyce i think you have been told by loads of health proffesionals, docs etc and had loads of tests too and they all say u are fine so u must eat for u and baby and i think u need to really focus on dealing with this. you are absulotely fine mate but mentally u need lots of help with this and u need to forget the hospital and tests and see your counsellor or who ever it is and ask for more appointments cos u should not have this ha this bad for so long you need to understand why u keep thinking this. hugs, also with all these health professionals u have seen i would have thought u would have asked them all these questions hun cos they would give you honest accurate answer, we cant here

29-07-08, 16:19
they all said tht i was fine and that the scope would have showed up even simple things not to mention serious things buti do seem to focus on my food going down maybe thts why im feeling like theres something sticking like im feeling as they said the scope was 110 per cent normal i have got anti deppressant but want to wait until baby is born

29-07-08, 16:23
ok its good u waiting till after baby mate, but it would really help u to speak to a counsellor. how long have u suffered from HA? has it been worse since being pregnant?

29-07-08, 16:26
Like I said Joyce, your going to have to wear this until the Bub comes along.

When its time let your Dr know you are going to take your medication so they can monitor your progress and you may wan to be assertive and tell your midwife and Dr that you are suffering anxiety quite bad so they can keep an eye on you after the birth as most of us are VERY prone to post natal depression, you wont recognise it so make sure someone close to you and a Dr knows.

Good luck, please eat and just keep plodding along like you have been doing, and see your Dr when your ready to take your antidepressants.

29-07-08, 18:34
all the way though but id say its worse now cause im scared to eat and im focusing on all my food godown is this whats causing my problems or what do you think

29-07-08, 19:05
ok yeah i understand but u know physically u r ok but u need to work on your mental issues hun cos this is why u r worrying so much. was there something that you know of that triggered the whole ha thing? you need to get to the bottom of that then u will be able to get it under control. u must talk with counsellor etc honest cos, it will help u and u need to gain control back and strength for when baby arrives. your probs are really severe and u must get support, have u got support? family/

29-07-08, 19:12
yes but scared to eat as i dunno if the constant swalllowing is done it i was focused on my throat as a sharp bit got stuck in my throat and ive kinda focused on my throat since then and convinced something is sticking but all the tests say there is no blockage so my body probably knows im worried about eating and that im totally focused on swallowing all my food i dunno but i dont think theres much else can be done as they said theres no follow up cause the scope thingy was all normal and that the doc says he wont sendme for nothing el they found nothing if i had to drink for the rest of my life id be okay really distressed by all off this cant stop worrying about it all

29-07-08, 19:20
ok joyce and hugs i understand this must be a real struggle for u but forget about the tests joyce cos they are all clear and u know that u r ok, you even told me they all told u that nothing is wrong. the prob lies in your head babe and you have to deal with the reasons why u feel this bad and only professional counselling will help with this. please contact doc or someone and demand therapy for this, you are entitled to get get help cos u really need this sorted and with being pregnant too its serious, u must be taken seriously. please remember PHYSICALLY U R WELL NOTHING WRONG BUT U NEED TO SORT OUT WOTS GOING ON IN YOUR HEAD MENTALLY, then you will get this under control. we are all here to support you but must get help for your sake mate hugs xxx

29-07-08, 19:40
yes im dealing with that but when it comes to eating time i just panicthinking u no that i cant eat bulky things u reckon my head knows im worried abt eating

29-07-08, 19:48
i not sure wot else to say hun really, its good u getting the counselling sorted, mayb until then just chop your food up small and mash it down too. it wont hurt u honest, its just how u feel hugs xx

29-07-08, 21:04
yesdoing that see how im constant swallowing that seems to have caused a wee sore throat also have a pulling feeling on the throat but guess thats just the anxiety i think eh as everything else is car constant swallowing must tense muscles

29-07-08, 21:30
yes joyce i think the constant swallowing and gulping and so on u r doing through your anxiety will make your throat abit sore i guess, im dont really know much about this subject on throats but that would certanly make your throat ache and sore etc. you got to find a way to stop doing that and then your throat will get better. is there any time when u are relaxed and dont do this? if u been asleep all night is your throat better first thing after a rest?

29-07-08, 21:31
If you're struggling to eat, try taking build up shakes or complan.

29-07-08, 21:32
have u got support at home? family etc ?

29-07-08, 21:42
thnks its going down i think its my mind trying to tell me that it wont mind over matter eh had shepards pie tonight no probs

29-07-08, 21:43
yes its no sore after sleeping

29-07-08, 21:47
yes so that shows that given rest hun it goes away, so u just got to find a way of stoppingyourself keep doing that and i guess therapy will help u with that.

29-07-08, 21:49
oh good girl shephards pie sounds good mate, yes mind over matter and keep telling yourself that u dont need to do that. you will get there u knows theres nothing wrong and its in your head so keep trying to just relax

29-07-08, 21:54
i have to try taking tablets again seem to think i cant s swallow them neither i have crushed them down recently still work the same though i should think

29-07-08, 21:56
yes they will still work if u crush them, u should take them if u been told too.

29-07-08, 22:06
I've bad times in my life when I've had trouble swallowing tablets, I was just so tense they wouldn't go down. Crushing is ok, but as you relax the swallowing will become easier. Try and take it easy Joyce, and all the very best with the baby. Is it your first? x

29-07-08, 22:11
im constant swallowing to dont thin k that is helping as its making my throat sore

29-07-08, 22:14
yes thats why your throat is sore hun, have u got someone there with u for support?

29-07-08, 22:16
doewsanyone no what symptoms you get with acid reflux as the back of my throat feels lik its on fire but im heavily pregnant though cd it be this thts causing the discomfort evry now and again its burning tryd throat sweets thinking it was a sore throat but doesnt seem to shift it neither does gaviscon any ideas

29-07-08, 22:17
joyce we just been speaking about all this, why start another thread?
i have spent all evening trying help u and i thought u were kinda gettin it mate

29-07-08, 22:19
why start another thread joyce i not getting this? i tried all evening trying to help u and i thought you were getting it

29-07-08, 22:26
I will merge the threads together. Joyce - there is no reason to keep creating new threads and it could be seen as spamming on here which is not allowed.


29-07-08, 22:42
sorry im suffering bad burning of the throat at the moment

29-07-08, 22:44
yes i am sorry just wondered about the throat burning i am getting your threads and you ae getting through dont worry

29-07-08, 22:45
I appreciate this Joyce but Donna has gone out of her way to help tonight and by creating a new thread you are basically saying that she is not helping her and ignoring all her advice.

The swallowing problem will NOT go away quickly whilst you let it take over. Had mine 3 years now.

You have to learn to ignore it and not let it make you panicky. Hard I know and I really sympathise.

29-07-08, 22:48
i do understand joyce that this is really horrible for u and even us giving u advice is not really helping but u must try to relax and forget. i did originally think u were messing about but i realise now how severe your problem is and i really want you to get better cos u gonna have baby soon and alot to deal with. DO u have support around u??????

29-07-08, 23:15
Does The Swallowing Make Your Throat Sore

29-07-08, 23:16
Yes And I Appreciate Your Advice Thanks Again Donna Xx

29-07-08, 23:17
Joyce - yes

We have been over this again and again.:doh:

You have had more support and advice and tests in 3 weeks than I have had in 3 years.

You have to believe it is anxiety.

When are you getting CBT then? Have you even asked for it?

What about family - do you live alone?

29-07-08, 23:21
Ive Asked About It Waiting On An Appointment Coming Have Good Friends For Support

29-07-08, 23:24
do u have a partner with u for support???? no worries joyce

29-07-08, 23:25

Do you have someone else replying for you now as I see your posting style and spelling changes drastically?

30-07-08, 00:18
Joyce you seem to know the answer really already, the more you focus the more it bothers you, you have to try to relax, you have had all the tests and this should help you, im very concerned how you are going to cope with a baby, dont any of the drs you have seen share my concern?

30-07-08, 00:21
very good point eljay xx

30-07-08, 00:32
very good point eljay xx
I dont like to seem condescending Joyce at all but you do seem to have had an awful lot of tests and not too much of a mention of what anyone has said about the baby. how long have you left now?