View Full Version : letting myself down

29-07-08, 15:46
I have lost count of the times i have let other people down as i have not felt well enough to do things, i always feel really guilty about it, but at the time i cannot face these things.
Anyway i had an hairdressers appt tomorrow, i have put it off for months as i find it difficult to go, i was getting myself all geared up to go but today i feel so bad that i have cancelled it, i could not face sitting in there for 2 hours.
But it has made me realise that the person i am letting down most of all is me, i am now sat here feeling really down because i really wanted it done, i seem to have more grey hairs every day.
Why do i put myself through this, i do not seem to have any control over it and it is ruining my life.
I am still waiting to see a counsellor after many months, but the way i feel at the moment i cannot see that it will help.
Sorry for going on, i needed to get it off my chest, i am angry and upset with myself.


29-07-08, 16:25
Hi Helen,

Until you see a counselor why don't you color your hair at home? You should not feel badly as you are not letting anyone down especially yourself. If you want to get out, perhaps take smaller trips that would not take 2 hrs as the hairdressers are such a lomg time. Good luck.

Many hugs,


29-07-08, 16:34
hi hun and great advice from laura, also can u not find a hairdresser that mayb would come to you instead as it might be easier for u. i always color my hair at home and its great to hide my sprouting grey bits hehe. just take small steps hugs xx