View Full Version : first timer

29-07-08, 17:25
Hi let me tell you a little bit about myself i'm 27 and have 3 children i have suffered from panic i suppose if i actually admit it to myself for ten yrs or more.After numerous visits to doctors whom could find nothing wrong with me they explained i had panic and anxiety problems which took me a long time to believe as i was sure it was something far more serious some days i still do. Some days are good and others are terrible the nights the worst.I thought i would join this group to see if i could get any tips on how to control my panic attacks and to spk to people who actually know what it feels like when you have one. Sorry if I have rambled. Hope to spk to some people soon.:blush:

29-07-08, 18:08
Welcome!! There are lots of selfhelp pages on this site so have a read.
Ask your doctor for a referral for CBT, anxiety management or councilling.
Insist you need help if he is reluctant.

Learn a relaxation technique. I've found EFT and Mindfulness very helpful.
take care

29-07-08, 18:34
Hi Shy,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


29-07-08, 19:39
Hello Shy And Welcome To The Site,wish Ya Well, Linda

29-07-08, 20:00
Hello Shy

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here

Take care


29-07-08, 21:45
Hi Shy

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice

29-07-08, 22:04
Hiya :welcome:to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots ofd support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. keep posting in the relevent places and we will help you as much as we can.

take care. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


30-07-08, 08:47
Hi Shy...............I'm new here as well. Like you I haved suffered from panic/anxiety for many years and have good and bad days, still convined there is something seriously wrong, doctors disagree with me..............said it's just anxiety.
I don't know what things are like where you live, but I have found it very hard to get practical help so I'm hoping to make some friends, on this board, with people who understand what's happening.
Good luck Shy,

milly jones
30-07-08, 16:00
welcome to nmp shy

hope ull find peace here

milly xxx

30-07-08, 16:16
Hello Shy81

I am 26 and have suffered with Panic Attacks for just over a year now. I started to get them just after my Grandad died and I would convince myself that I had some fatal illness and that I was going to die.

My Panic attacks consist of feeling very dizzy and light headed I go really hot and I shake slightly.

I visited my GP who said I was having panic attacks due to the death of grandad. She also prescibed me anti-depressants.

I am taking each day as it come and my only advice is when you do have a good day really enjoy it so that when you have a bad you can cope with it and know that they will be a good day to come.

If you ever want to have a chat please feel free

Good Luck with everything and take care xxx

30-07-08, 16:49
Hi Shy

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

30-07-08, 22:21
Hi Shy

This site is a godsend for starting to understand panic attacks. I've also been reading 'Self help for your nerves' by Claire Weekes and have found this really helpful.

Mandy xx

31-07-08, 16:16
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx