View Full Version : feeling dead anxious please read

29-07-08, 20:10
hi everyone
am so dead panicky today everytime i turn my head i feel spinny i take paratoxatine cant spell and for some reason i am feeling strange have been on it for a while now, i was wondering if anyone knew if you are still breatsfeeding and you havent had a period do you still get the symptoms of being due on beacsue this is how i feel when i am due on a period, am not sure i am making much sense, i just feel dead dizzy, and unreal.

i have just this minute put a colour on my hair and am reallt panicking about washing it off in case i pass ou please help.

love to you all xxx

29-07-08, 20:43
The dizziness is as likely not because you are anxious. TRy taking a few deep breaths and make sure when you breath out you do so for longer than you breathe in for and calm down a bit and the dizziness will probably go away.
