View Full Version : Panic Attacks/ Health Anxiety and Grief

29-07-08, 21:26
Hi there,

I've been suffering health anxiety related panic attacks. Feeling really awful at the moment. My mum passed away a few years ago and thats when it all started. I'm now trying counselling, which is making it very raw again.

I was just wondering if anyone else can relate their anxiety/panic due to a bereavement?

E x :weep:

30-07-08, 00:19
hi E and welcome to nmp, i understand u, my nan passed away 3 yrs back and i was extremely close to her, it was cancer but very sudden. after that i had HA and it lasted ages i thought i had everything and i was upset and worried every day, but eventually i got over it and im ok now and u will be too intime.

i thinks its the shock and greiving that brings these things out and losing your mum must have been awful for u. counselling will make it raw but honest hun its best way to deal with it all and move on in life. i having cbt and had the same thing with parents and other stuff made me angry and upset but now i have to deal with it, go with it hun and i promise it will get better hugs xx

30-07-08, 00:37
Hi m8 i have sufered the loss of my grandparents which was hard but my friend lost her daughter last Oct aged 18 very sudenly and i know she has suffered unbelevable grief anxiety and panic and is having councelling and has even returned 2 work part tym it is a very hard when having councelling as it does remind you of things that you have prob tried 2 forget and will bring it all back but by getting it out and talking about it will actualy help in long run as you wont fear it anymore and will be able 2 talk about your mom as you would want 2 with fond memories and love ..u will always have tyms when u just want 2 cry but that is normal and embrace it not fear those feelings xxxx
take care
Titch xxxxxxx

30-07-08, 01:09
oh yes i can definatley relate to you. ive had anxiety for many years and then it went away. but two years ago my mother passed away and then it all started panic anxiety ectopic heart beats. so you are not alone on that one
debera :hugs: :hugs:

30-07-08, 17:32
Thank you all so much for replying. My mum died of heart disease and had a heart attack at quite a young age so its always been a worry for me. About a month ago i had this awful chest pain (nothing like i'd had before) and went to the doc about it. He scared me to death and assured me it must be cardiac and that i had to see a specialist. He also put me on blood pressure lowering pills (without checking my BP). I appreciate he's looking out for me but his delivery was awful. He went on to say that i'm not too young to have heart prob's (i'm 25) as he had someone who needed by pass surgery at 26. And he also told me this sort of thing puts things into perspective! He assured me these tablets would protect my heart so as you can imagine i was very careful about taking them. But they made me feel awful. Very dizzy and light headed and blurred vission. Anyway after two weeks on them ended up at a + e after nearly blacking out and the hospital staff were fuming that i was on these tablets as they making BP way too low. They told me to stop taking them. Cos the doc assured me these tab's were gonna protect my heart i'm now very nervie about not taking them so my panic is thro the roof.

Plus the counselling is very hard and bringing back some terrible memories of the day mum went, and the state dad was in. I'm just having panic attacks nearly very day and i'm feeling very drained and fed up. My mum died suddenly and was alone (my dad was up the village shops) and i feel awful for that.

Sorry for the long post. Thanks for listening.

E x