View Full Version : Panic Attacks/ Health Anxiety and Grief

29-07-08, 21:42
Sorry to be a pain but wasn't sure where to post this one so its here and on health related anxiety

Hi there,

I've been suffering health anxiety related panic attacks. Feeling really awful at the moment. My mum passed away a few years ago and thats when it all started. I'm now trying counselling, which is making it very raw again.

I was just wondering if anyone else can relate their anxiety/panic due to a bereavement?

E x :weep:

http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/misc/progress.gif http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/buttons/edit.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=366558)

29-07-08, 21:51
Hi Elaine I can relate to what you have said, my father-in-law passed away in the car whilst we were driving him home december 2000. I was incredibly strong for my wife (Jackie) but once the funeral was over 2 months later I just went to pieces. on off since I have panic attacks.

you will come through (heres me telling you when im battling here myself)

take care Stevie xx

29-07-08, 22:19
I yea I watched my mum cough up blood and bleed to death in front of me at hosptal in oct. I accept that she has passed on to somewhere better and is now in no more pain, so that helps. We will always miss them because love never dies. Hold on to that love and it will see you through it all



30-07-08, 17:38
Thank you both for your replys. I think my main prob was i was trying to be strong for my dad and didn't greive properly at the time. Now the panic attacks etc seem much better after i've had a good cry. I just wish i could by pass the panic attack part!

Thank you for letting me know i'm not alone in this.

E x

30-07-08, 18:37
Hi Elaine

I really do understand what you are feeling. After my Dad died I felt I had to be strong and be there to support my Mum and I put my grieving on hold for a long time and it didn't do me any good because it has only recently come to a head and caused me to have panic and anxiety. Please do have a good cry whenever you can and try and to think about you aswell as your Dad.

You take care


30-07-08, 20:36
yes, mine started after my Grandad passed away. I can related to this. x

21-12-10, 15:59
Hi, I have suffered with health anxiety now since 2007....I have been on anti depressents since! :weep: I know struggle without them. Mine started when my grandad passed away from a heart attack in his sleep...I felt i handled it very well under the circumstances but then it all started to come out a few months later! I thought i was gonna die of a heart attack, or cancer. I have had numerous tests over the years & thankfully all came back fine! but I have now come to a point were I have made myself believe so much that I have a heart condition I dont believe the doctors when they say I am fine as in my head im thinking if im fine then how come i feel like this. I dont believe its all anxiety related. Its taking over my life. I am considering to go see a private doctor to have a check done on my heart! for piece of mind as I feel all the doctors i have seen over the years are not taking me seriously and putting it down to anxiety. Anyone got any advise? x