View Full Version : My secret...

Cherry Milkshake
29-07-08, 23:38
Hi everyone,

I joined the site yesterday and lurked the forums for a little while. I thought this was the best place to introduce myself. I'm 26 and a mother of two gorgeous girls. I've suffered with depression and low mood due to stress on and off since I was about fourteen as I had a very difficult childhood for various reasons and have been on and off medication, but generally I was a happy and confident person. I've recently seperated from my husband of five years (we were together nine) and last November out of the blue my eldest daughter was diagnosed with benign but huge brain tumour. She had very successful surgery, but I feel like I never really got over the shock.

Since then and the breakdown of my marriage I went off the rails a little. I found a new place to live and left my daughters with their dad as I felt they would be better off for the time being. I went from being a supermum with a husband, my own home, and half way through a degree to living on my own on benefits in a rented house and going out with so-called 'mates' drinking and I'm ashamed to say, sometimes worse. I've never suffered panic attacks before, until about six weeks or so ago when I had what I thought at the time was an impending heart attack after a night of binging on cocain and marajuana. The shock of being taken to hospital scared the hell out of me, and I vowed never to take cocain again. I'd also recently begun a new relationship which was having a few teething problems, and a couple of weeks later I went to stay with a friend for the evening. While I was there I was stupid enough to smoke half a joint thinking without the coke I would be fine. I ended up in hospital again. I felt so stupid and ashamed and so terrified.

Since the last episode the panic attacks have continued. For the last three weeks I've felt like I've been living in a nightmare, sometimes having up to four panic attacks a day and feeling constantly fearful of the next, often tearful and not sleeping or eating well, but I can't help believing this is some kind of punishment for the things that I've done. Things have settled with my new boyfriend a little, although the relationship seems to be one of the main things I get anxious about. That said since realising how ill I have been my partner has been very supportive, but I'm afraid I'm going to drive him away through this illness. My girls are living with me again and having them home has given me something to focus on which has helped a little. After being perscribed several different medications I couldn't take because I began to fear the side effects, I finally have been re prescribed Cymbalta as this is one I've had before and feel comfortable with. I've just started with it yesterday and I know I need to stay strong for the next couple of weeks until it settles in.

Sorry for unloading so much, I was too scared to confide in my Doctor as to what initiated the panic attacks, and I'm worried about the medication and other techniques not helping because of how the attacks were initially caused. I've been through a lot, and whilst that's no excuse for taking drugs, I don't really believe I deserve to be ill although that thought is in the back of my mind. I've learnt my lesson and given up everthing including alcohol and even caffeine. Again, sorry for waffling on but I don't feel I have anyone else in the world I can be truly honest with about what's happening to me. Thanks for reading, and good luck to everyone else trying to cope with these awful things.


29-07-08, 23:45
Hi there and :welcome:

I found it hard to read this post as there no paragraphs but wanted to welcome you aboard.

Can you edit it and add some paragraphs please. Thanks

29-07-08, 23:47
hi hannah and welcome, u have been through an awful lot and no wonder found it hard coping hun. also welddone posting this thread cos its hard sometime admitting stuff we do in life or stuff we been through it really helps writing it down. i too suffered relationship probs 7 yrs ago while my 2 boys were bbabies, i also at the time had pnd, no one to support me, still grieving for a termination i had 4 yrs before when my parents had told me they wanted nothing to do with it etc and sent me to priv clinic for abortion so i wouldnt see anyone theyknew etc, i was with my current partner at time but only together 6 months when got preg. my parents never asked how i got on and told me not to mention it again i never did until 25 when i had the relationship probs, pnd and 2 little boys. i went off the rails for few months cos i had asked for help and no one helped me or even listened. but eventually i sorted my self out got my relationship back on track we still together 16 years and i beat the dep, i still having probs with my parents but i am sorting it out. you will be ok hun and u will sort yourself out. you sound a strong women to me hugs xxx

Cherry Milkshake
29-07-08, 23:53
Thanks Donna, it really did help just getting it out. I've been beating myself up for being such an idiot but I know that kind of negative thinking wont helpt me get over the anxiety and depression. Admitting all of this was my first step to starting to work on getting better, in all areas of my life. Sounds like you've been through an awful lot too, you must have been strong as hell to beat the depression after all you dealt with. Thanks for the welcome and the support

H x

30-07-08, 00:00
hiya well i wasnt strong at first i was so negative and angry but at some point i just thought i cant carry on thinking this way.

i have made a lot of changes in my life and cut people out and moved etc, also my nan died 3 yrs back who was like my 2nd mum and my auntie who i was so close to married an abusive man and she come to me for help and i tried to help her and in the end she just married him and told me to except him or go away, luckily recently i was able to mend things with her and alot of stuff i have done now is though the help on my counselling, i have cbt.

my parents are my problem as they keep me at arms length and never listen or ever take interest in me, i am at a point where i gotta tell them how they made me feel otherwise i gonna go mad. i suffer mild Social anxiety although i odcme across as sociable and friendly and i have had Health anixety too after my nan died i had it bad but i managed to get rid of it.

i guess i just learnt to deal with things differently and stay focused and positve and exercise too which helps me alot. my motto now is if its making u ill, stressed or down in the dumps then get rid hehe.

30-07-08, 00:10
Hiya hope u r ok .
Dont beat yourself up about the things you have done as they are in the past and you cant change the past but u can make the future better which is exactlty what u are doing ...every1 makes mistakes big or small you are not on your own at all and have lots of support on here .I know it may be hard 2 discuss things with your doc but there are a lot of support groups and help available 2 u ..as 4 the medication if you dont want 2 take it u dont have 2 but it can help just 2 make things that little bit easier while u get bak on track ..the only thing is if u are suseptible 2 drug addiction or drug taking go on 1 that is not addictive there is 2 much stigma attched 2 anti depressants etc but if u had migraines every day ud take sumthing 2 cure them yet wen people suffer with anxiety or depression they dont want 2 take meds !!!!!
You seem 2 have come along way esp having yr children back and still with your partner well done x and remember this is YOUR life and you should do what evers right 4 u and not worry what others think ..hard i know as im a worrier haha

take care and message anytym u need 2 xxx
Titch xxx

30-07-08, 01:00
Hi Hannah,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. Glad you found us.

Take care,


30-07-08, 11:39
Hiya Hannah, well done you you,ve already started the ball rolling which is hard on its own. What you need to do now is start to follow techniques for relaxing and eventually controlling the attacks, this from someone who is struggling at the moment but knows there is a way through. what happened in the past is in the past try to leave it there. I know from experience that the things that we feel bad about will boost the panic attacks so we try to avoid them/control them.

take care remember im new here too but if you need to talk just mail me

Stevie xx

30-07-08, 12:37
Hello Hannah

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get lots of support and good advice on here

Take care


30-07-08, 13:04
Hiya hun :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great freinds along the way. keep posting and we will help you as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


milly jones
30-07-08, 15:49
hi hannah

a warm welcome to nmp

milly xcx

Cherry Milkshake
30-07-08, 16:05
Thank you all so much for the messages of welcome and support and advice, it means a lot to know how many other people are going through this (for whatever reasons) and that I'm not on my own. Thanks again folks :)

H x

30-07-08, 16:06
Hello And Welcome To The Site,wish Ya Well,linda

31-07-08, 16:23
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx