View Full Version : first/ next steps

30-07-08, 09:51
Hi all

Am i wrong to be trying to sort this by myself without doctors/ medicines etc??
And what is my next step would you recommend? I have recognised that they are only thoughts but I still can't calm myself or get rid of them. I have started a note book where I list good things that have happened that day and bad ones ( so far its just thoughts in the bad) so I can look back and calm myself etc.

Am I on the right track?? A nudge in the right direction would be ace help.

Dragonless xx:shrug:

30-07-08, 10:21
Yeah I think Ur Doin Really Well Dragonless.
I Only Have Mild Social Phobia, But I Do Write A Diary Sort Of Thing About My Anxiety and it Does Really Help. Sometimes U Can Get Better On Ur own. I Think U Should Try To Do Things That U Find Difficult And Have An Action Plan To Help U Get Through Them. Then U Will Have Something To Write On The Good List:)
Good Look:yesyes:

Venus Calling
30-07-08, 10:25
I was seen and diagnosed by doctors and the hospital I feel like I am dealing with this on my own. Doctors are all too quick to hand out tablets that in themselves create their own problems and from my experience they do not listen to what I've been telling them and as I speak they are writing prescriptions like that is going to shut me up. It doesn't and I don't take them because I think it is something I can work through myself. I got myself here!

I have some terrible days but the gaps in between that are ok are getting wider which makes me believe I can do it. I may be fooling myself but that is no different to the tablets that would fool my body into thinking it's ok. I'm one of those awful people that if you tell me I can't do something I will do my level best to prove you wrong so I am determined not to suffer with this thing any longer than I have to. Listen to relaxation CD's - I've found these to be an enormous help.

I started writing things down, just feelings on what is happening at the time. I wouldn't concentrate on the 'bad' things as these things tend to stick in your mind.

If you feel strong enough to cope alone then no one is in a position to tell you otherwise. If you find you can't then that's what the medical profession is there for. You'll find your way - You have us here too!:D

30-07-08, 13:22
thanks for this guys..... Its great to have you helping.

I try and ask other people but if you aren't going through it you can't really understand.

I think I'll stick with the 'good things' and 'bad things' book if only to prove to myself that it IS all in my head and the actual things that are happening are all okay.
As my daughter would say... realising its all gravy !!!!!!!!!! whatever that means :shrug: :D

If anyone has any more tips like the tapes I'll gratefully receive them.
Sometimes I only seem to stop thinking when I have my earplugs in for sleeping. Its as if ...'Plugs in thoughts out'. Can't wear earplugs all my life now can I ??
I get so damn cross at myself that I have frightened myself so, I've been about nine years as the only adult in my house and the last seven without a partner. I should be strong... not starting to crumble !:mad:

Hugs to all Dragonless x

30-07-08, 13:33
Hello Dragonless

Don't get cross with yourself it takes time and alot of patience to sort things out. It sounds to me that you are doing just fine and if you feel you want to sort things out yourself then go for it, that's how I am doing it.

Wishing you all the best


Venus Calling
30-07-08, 13:33
'I get so damn cross at myself that I have frightened myself so, I've been about nine years as the only adult in my house and the last seven without a partner. I should be strong... not starting to crumble !'

This I think is part of the problem. I have been married for 25 years but have always taken responsibility for absolutely everything. Whether it's fixing taps or organsing holidays for the family - anything and everything. I pay for everything even though my husband works - in fact, he works so much I hardly ever see him, he contributes begrudgingly. I am the one with the whole of my world on my shoulders and I think this is why I am cracking up. For all intents and purposes I am a single parent as I have to handle life alone despite having a husband. I am a strong woman yet I have reduced myself to a quivering wreck. Dragonless - you ARE strong - look at the things you have achieved which you are proud of. That's what I do - this will keep you strong. You will get better as you are not prepared to give in to it. :yesyes: