View Full Version : Heavy leg??

30-07-08, 11:12
Hi all, long time no post, I've been doing pretty well but how quickly things change!

Main problem at the minute is my left leg, it feel heavy, get a strange feeling that i am about ot have a muscle spasm or cramp in it but nothing happens, then it just kind of ache's in the shin, back of knee, calf and lower thigh and i have the odd twitch.

Been like it for over a week now and it's seriously getting me down, just keep thinking it's a blood clot or something.

Anyone got any idea's whats going on???

Jim :blush:

30-07-08, 13:45
Just one thing I'd add on that - follow my logic.

When you exercise, instructors will allows tell you to concentrate on the muscles you want to work. They don't mean exercise that muscle more, they mean concentrate on it; think about it. Your brain then sends messages to the muscle to "work harder, the boss is watching".

So ... you twinge a muscle (easy to do), or a joint is banged. Your body's natural reaction is to tense the muscles in the area to protect it.
Now HA kicks in. You notice the ache/tension in the area and focus your attention on the muscle.
What does the muscle do?
Exactly the same as when you concentrate on it when you are exercising. It's being watched so it puts on a show and redoubles it's efforts. This means that if there is a slight bruise you will feel it more, the prolonged tension will make the muscle feel weaker and you will be far more likely to get cramp in the area. Your brain then panics at the signals coming back and tries to come up with reasons that it may be fealing bad and so you focus on it more .......

Like everything else with HA there is a single solution, you have to take your concentration away from the body bit you are worried about and let it sort itself out. Our brains are like well intentioned but crap managers. They are realy caring but just make things far worse when they get involved. What's worse, when you have the situation completely under control the silly buggers invoke disaster recovery and everyone panics.

Hope this helps :)


Captain America
30-07-08, 16:04
i had the heavy leg thing. even to the point where sometimes it felt like someone was pouring warm water on it. i was convinced it was ms, went to neurologist and everything. i was fine. after the heaviness went away it came back in the form of a leg cramp while trying to sleep. that has passed now too. it passed for me when my stomach started bothering me. my anxiety picks things to terrorize me with and it's in my stomach at the moment so my leg feels fine. ever notice how if you have a headache it goes away if you stub your toe really bad? i think it's like that.
i've feared blood clots too, but i've been told it would be red and swollen, etc, if that was the case.

but i'm no doctor, i just play one on the nmp site....