View Full Version : I am seeing a cpn 2moro

30-07-08, 17:22
My dr rang me last week to say that he was concerned that they were doing nothing for me expect give me medication. I had to laugh as it's been like that for about 17 years! Anyway drs surgery is not far away but he wants me to see the cpn there. I said I would but now I feel so anxious about going, I'm getting in a right state.

The hot weather affects me & makes the panic worse and apparently it's gonna be hot 2moro. I'm scared that I won't be able to get there or have a panic whilst going & turn around & come back, or panic while I'm in there. Oh ffs!!:scared15: :scared15: I hope the air con is on & there are windows in the room, omg I'm getting so worked up about it. I bet I don't go:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

Not sure why I'm posting, but wanna get it off my chest:whistles: :whistles:


milly jones
30-07-08, 17:42
hi elspeth hun

is there anyone that can go with u hun?

i take my son.

i always text my frinds in nmp when in waiting to make time go fast too.

i also register then go wait outside for my time, esp if its stuffy, under the trees, they know me know lol.

i take a bottle of water, and tissues cos i always cry.

sometimes ive taken a book so that ppl will leave me alone and not talk to me.

i always wlk there so i dont have to rely on transport and i can judge my arrival time to avoid waiting. this also really helps my anx by using excess adrenaline

i also find the walk home is a good reflection time too.

please try and have the courage to go elspeth

my mental health team have helped me greatly

milly xxx

30-07-08, 18:26
Hope it goes well for you Elspeth


30-07-08, 21:14
Hi Elspeth,

I know this is difficult but try not to think of all the negative things. Perhaps you can prepare for the visit like Milly suggested and take something to occupy your mind while you are waiting. Take something to fan yourself if it is hot and remember the appt. will probably not take long. This is a good thing they are doing because they have your interests at heart. Please let us know how it goes. Good luck and many hugs.

Take care,


30-07-08, 22:54
Thanks carol, milly & laura for your replies.

I will take my personal thingy (lol) & play Claire Weekes tape while walking there, plus take my old womans trolley which physically helps me with my back & I also feel a bit safer while pushing it, I don't know why but I have read about this.

I know as the time gets nearer I will get more anxious, but I will really try & go :D



31-07-08, 22:07
Well I made it! Was feeling very anxious but I did it anyway:)

The guy didn't seem interested in any of my sh** existence apart from the anxiety & panic attacks.

He talked about not thinking to myself things like 'I'm gonna be fine' etc, so-called reassuring myself + not thinking 'OMG what if I faint, what if this & what if that' but distracting myself by thinking of other things and he gave me a list. Have to say that I've done all the above, and if I could do things & distract myself by not thinking of how bad I feel, then I would be cured:scared15: :scared15: That would be nice, we could all be cured if we do this:whistles:

However, at least he did say "well done" for getting there, which was nice. I have to see him again in a months time.

Just an update from me for those who replied to me-milly, Laura & carol.


Pink Panic
01-08-08, 09:26
A massive WELL DONE :yesyes: :hugs: for getting there Elspeth, that's a big positive already.

I know sometimes when you start therapy it's like you are going over stuff that you already know but bear with it hun.

You should be really proud of yourself today. :hugs:


milly jones
01-08-08, 10:16
well done for getting there els

i do hope it helps u in the future

take care of urself

mill xx