View Full Version : Coughing again, grrr

30-07-08, 20:55
Its exactly a year since I had bronchitis and would you believe it my children all have nasty coughs, so does my mum and the last 3 days ive started with tickly ears, throat and a slight cough. I am now really paranoid that I am likely to get bronchitis again:blush:

Has anyone had bronchitis and not had it again? Touch wood ive not really had a cough since I had bronchitis last summer so im hoping this isn't going to turn into anything like that. I was just so poorly and found it such a struggle with my 3 young children when I was feeling so ill, I dread to think how I would cope if I got it again, my 3 are full of beans durin the holidays:winks:

30-07-08, 21:33
Hi Libby,

Sorry to hear your Mum and 3 children are ill. If you think they have bronchitis I would take them to the doctor because whenever I have had it I have had to be put on antibiotics and steriods. Perhaps that is just me though. To be honest I have had the stuff alot but it runs in my family, sort of a weak spot. I believe the best way to avoid getting really ill with it is to know the symptoms and get to the doctor early before it gets you too down. Good luck and hope your household feels better soon.

Take care,


30-07-08, 22:58

No I don't think they have bronchitis, my son has a chesty cough but no temp or wheeze so think its a viral thing for now. My mum is the same really.

I remember when i had it i was coughing up stuff and thats when I saw the GP so if I do get that i will be there well before it goes green like last time, yuk!

I am just praying I don't get it again.

31-07-08, 13:21
Has anyone else had bronchitis and not had it again? today my chest feels all tickly and tight, not got a productive cough so hoping its just a viral thing because my throat is also tickly.

31-07-08, 15:45
I used to get bronchitis year after year, and then all of a sudden it stopped and never had it since.
I think the more you are worrying about it and looking for symptoms the more likely your make yourself ill.
I know it's hard but try and forget about it, if you get a cold it doesn't mean it will turn into bronchitis.
wishing you well:hugs:

01-08-08, 06:33
Thanks Nanny,

I hope I don't get it again, I had never been so ill. I also had the fear that it would turn into pneumonia to contend with which made it worse.

I now have a sore throat, cough, blocked ears..... feel pretty yuk today:-( I guess its just a virus thats doing the rounds so will hopefully feel better in a few days.


02-08-08, 09:08
Grrr today ive woken up with a chesty productive cough, just not what I need:-( I have work next week and 3 kids on half term. This is just deja vu. I am praying it doesn't end up being bronchitis again like last summer.

If I had bronchtis though I guess I would be coughing up green/yellow mucus and would feel very ill, at last I can think + for now because I don't seem to have those symptoms.

02-08-08, 14:55
Poor you Libby - it's horrible being ill when you have kids around. Would it perhaps be sensible to go to the doctor just to have him listen to your chest? I'm sure it's not bronchitis but better to be safe on the whole.... Take lots of vitamin C and try to get some rest (realise that's hard with kids) and really hope you get well soon. But to put your mind at rest, there are lots of viral things going round at the moment, so it's probably just a horrid cold... with cough. Poor you.

02-08-08, 15:41
Thanks Bex,

If its still lingering on tuesday then I shall see my GP, I am working monday so won't be able to go.

I am taking my vits and drinking lots of water, trying to be healthy;-)

I don't have a cold, its strange, it is just a cough and raw tickly throat, I am not snotty at all which I know you are with bronchitis so maybe I am ok at the moment.

I am resting up, hubby is home so helping out doing housework and looking after the kids for me;-)

02-08-08, 20:30
Can anyone explain to me the difference between a chesty cough and bronchitis. I know that bronchitis affects the bronchial tubes but then if you have a chesty cough it automatically triggers mucous in the same areas. Also when does bronchitis develop into pneumonia and what does this mean.

Last year around November I developed what I would call a tickly cough. I had major coughing spasms. I felt as if the cough was all in my throat but the gp sent me to have x ray. The results showed congestion in middle lung and that it wasn't inflating properly. It took 5 courses of anti b's to get rid of it. The doc didn't label it so I've always wondered what it was officially.

I don't really suppose it matters too much but I'm just curious. I definately don't want it again though as I felt really rough.

02-08-08, 20:54
When i had bronchitis i was coughing up green/yellow mucus and i was told it had set a deep infection into my bronchials??? I felt weak, headache, temp, very tight chested, as far as im aware its just abit deeper than a regular chest infection??? not sure, maybe someone else can help.

I had major coughing spasms last year, it felt tickly but was al the time esp at night but it soon turned chesty thats when I went to the GP.

It can rarely lead to pneumonia but as i say its rare and your GP would of told you if u had that.

I had 1 lot of anti bs.

You can ask your GP, they will have your records.

20-08-08, 02:05
I've had this really bad cough for 2 weeks now, and a really bad wheeze on exhaling. Funny thing is, no other symptoms. GP says it bronchitis, but surely I'd have the accompanying cold?

20-08-08, 16:29
You would know if it was, I was very poorly but they know what they are listening for.