View Full Version : more advice please

03-05-05, 12:34
hi everyone,
can anyone relate to this,since i had that funny throat sensation yesterday, i keep feeling that i have to belch im doing this quite alot, is this to do with anxiety too
luv sue

03-05-05, 12:51
Hi Sue, I dont know what you mean by the throat problem? but I have been through some high anxiety, over the past few weeks. I now want to belch all the time. I have mentioned it to my doctor and she says its anxiety.

Good Luck

Emma x

03-05-05, 13:29
Quite a few people feel the urge to belch with anxiety. It is very normal so please don't worry..:D

03-05-05, 13:38
hi sue I think its that we swollow to much air when anxious even when drinking and eating. nothing to worry about:)

03-05-05, 14:03
Swallowing air and also when we're nervous we make extra gas in our tummies so we need to get rid of it by belching .

Completely normal .


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