View Full Version : hi

03-05-05, 12:42
My name is denise and im 20 years old, i have suffered from panic attacks for two and a half years (ever since i had my first child), at first i wasnt sure what was happening to me, ever time i had to go to the shops i found myself making exscuses and asking my mum to go for me so then it got to the stage where i wouldnt leave the house and i freaked out about everything, i used to feel embarrased to tell people what was going on because i felt they would think i was crazy but to my surprise they understood completely and once i knew everyone knew why i would act the way i did it helped me handle the panic attacks more and i just tried to take it one step at a time by setting myself little goals like just walking to the end of the street then a little further the next day and now im able to walk down town to the shops but i have to have someone with me, i still get the dizzieness and the feeling im going to faint but i just keep telling myself that it isnt a real feeling its just my head playing tricks on me and i cope, to make me feel "safer" i take a paper bag around with me so i know if i start to panic and feel i cant breath then i just breath into the bag and it sorts me out. i just need to know what i can do to get out there on my own and not with someone all the time......im getting to the point where im going crazy....im only 20 and i have to stand back and watch all my mates having nights out and im at home. please tell me what i can do, anything!! im desparate. xx


03-05-05, 13:03
hi denise,
welcome to the forum[8D], sorry your having a bad time, like most people on here, wed love this awfall anxiety to just go away and not come back, the good thing is it will get better eventually, i just take one day at a time and when things are bad, i try to occupy my mind, i find it helps, im like you, i wont go to the shops on my own, infact i wont go anywhere without a stuggle whether im alone or not, as for the dizzyness i dont get a days relief from this, its always there, so your definetly not alone, theres plenty of people on here to help you and suffer the same as you i hope this helps take care
luv sue

03-05-05, 13:23
Hi Denise,
I'm not sure how you can get over this but i can tell you that i feel exactly the same. I get the feeling of dizziness every day and i go through stages where i am too scared to go out, or where i do out, get dizzy and get so frustrated with it all. I am 23 and know what u mean about watching all your friends live 'normal' lives and not having to worry about the simple things like going to the shops alone. I do feel better when i'm with people who try to understand so you are lucky to have people who understand you. I know this isnt very helpful but i just wnated to let you know that i feel exactly the same so you are not alone in this.
Em x

03-05-05, 13:28
hi Denise,

Welcome aboard!! I hope we can help you get over your difficulties. Everyone here is very friendly so you are in very good hands..

Sarah :D

03-05-05, 13:43
hi denise welcome to the site. you will find lots of help here. there is also a chat room if u fancy a chat anytime, usualy someone in after 8pm each night. take care. Vern

03-05-05, 14:01
Denise -

You're already well on the way to doing it yourself and you do know what to do- you need to do exactly the same as you did previously but alone - so tiny steps forward in exactly the same way.

First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

03-05-05, 17:51
Hi Denise

Welcome to the forum. You are doing well at overcoming these difficulties and with continued perseverence and determination you will get there.

We are here to help and support all we can.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

03-05-05, 20:16
Hi Denise

and welcome to the site, you will get loads of help and support here everyone is great and always someone there to help, i was like you at the begining but dont have any probs about going places on my own i did it day by day you already have the right idea, just keep it up xxx

kairen x

04-05-05, 14:15
Hello Denise,
Welcome to the site:D:D

Take care


04-05-05, 18:59
Hi Denise

Welcome to the site.

Stay strong and I hope you find the site helpful.

with love



05-05-05, 15:50
Hi Denise,

Welcome to the forum, you will find so much support here! I know it may be hard to see right now, but you have already been making progress on your own...getting out of the house to the shops is a big step! Getting out on your own is going to happen in the same way...baby steps, but you can do it! I know its hard to see your friends living the life that you want, but it is an attainable goal...you are already on the right track! Keep in touch, you will find loads of advice and support here from people that know exactly how you feel!

Take care,


05-05-05, 16:30
Hi Denise

Welcome aboard. Hope we can be of some help to you. You have had some great replies already.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

05-05-05, 17:02
Hi Denise

Welcome aboard the forum.

You are almost there to be honest. What does this other person do to support you etc when they go with you? I bet not a lot and you do it all yourself. It is just a confidence thing really.

You should try to tackle this in small steps and take it slowly. Try getting the person to come half with you and you do the rest alone. Each day go a bit further alone.

In time you will get it conquered I am sure.

Good luck.
