View Full Version : My anxiety is back!!

31-07-08, 12:43
Hey guys

been coping with my anxiety really well for the past year and a half but now its come back

Have you ever has these syptoms

wanting go toilet (urinate) all the time, tummy feels bloated and painful.

head feels spaced out all the time cant concentrate..

Its a nightmare been the doctors today!!!

Anyone help me on how to control these syptoms? x

31-07-08, 12:47
Hi Selina,all symptoms of anxiety.I get them all!!!!:weep: Its so frustrating when you feel better for a while and then bang!!!!:mad: its all back again.It will get better.:hugs:

Try and do things to keep your mind occupied,have some camomile tea.

What happend at the docs?

31-07-08, 12:49
the doctors gave me tablets again, do u ever feel like flutters in ur tummy.... i know i aint pregnant but it feels like a little gremlin inside......#

They put me on citopram again!"

31-07-08, 12:52
I have terrible problems with my tummy all the time.:weep: I to am on citalopram.
Im going through a bad patch at the moment and my tummy is all over the place.

Captain America
31-07-08, 14:51
i had the frequent urination, fluttering tummy, and bloated feeling for 8 months without knowing it was anxiety. in fact it was my first set of symptoms before the panic attacks started. i had so many tests for stomach and kidney problems and then i had a panic attack and all my doctors said, 'hey it's anxiety!'
so yeah pretty common for GAD i think.
to control them i add fiber, drink more water, and do the muscle tension exercises (tense everything for 20 seconds and then relax). it seems to help. even though it's anxiety i treat it like a physical problem (since anxiety makes it one).
sorry to hear it's back. at least you know what it is and can stop it from progressing, right?

01-08-08, 10:30
i am really trying today, my stomach thing has settled i now have a floaty head!!!! its mad!