View Full Version : On the mend - at last!

03-05-05, 12:44
After having a terrible week last week, as some of you may have guessed from my posts, I am pleased to report that I appear to be getting to grips with everything.

Thursday I went to the docs (feeling terrible) and made him do every blood test under the sun to see if there is / was anything wrong with me. Didnt sleep thurs night thinking about test results, convinced something would show up - 12 o'clock friday he rang and said everything was fine - absolutely everything! I felt so relieved. However I made the mistake of getting drunk Fri night and therefore felt really depressed saturday, however since then I have been feeling better each day. I am not 100% but I feel more composed and relaxed. Bought loads of books and a couple of relax cd's which help chill me out.

I am still having the odd tingle in the left hand and sometimes foot, nothing painful just a sort of pins / needles (very slight) sensation which I still cant stop thinking about though!

Its as if I need to worry about something!

Thanks for all help and support, really appreciate it.

Off to see a guy at Mind on Thurs about anxiety too!

03-05-05, 12:48
Hi, Im glad your feeling better today. I was feeling really bad, health anxiety etc and have just come back from docs after a complete check over. All is fine here to. Hopefully thats a posotive start to getting better, with a clear mind.

I would be interested to know how you get on at mind. Good luck.

03-05-05, 13:30
Glad to hear you are feeling better - keep it up!! :D

03-05-05, 14:05
Good news .. glad you're understanding it more.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

03-05-05, 14:47
Hi there,
fab news - glad all is well, keep in touch

03-05-05, 18:01
Glad you are feeling better.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

03-05-05, 21:27

It's great that you feel better, hope it lasts. ;)


**To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.**

04-05-05, 11:50
Glad your making progress! Keep up the good work!

Love PIP'S X