View Full Version : last night

31-07-08, 15:57
:scared15: i dont remember last night. i know that i was really really upset about something so i ended up calling my therapist, and today i feel so out of it. but i dont remember anything in between. :shrug: anyone else?? is this normal??? please??? its actually kind of freaking me out.

31-07-08, 18:47
I haven't experienced this but I do know that we can easily block out bad emotions as a coping mechanism.
It may be one of those things that the more you worry about the more you convince yourself you can't remember?

Many people get drunk and don't remember an evening so, even though you weren't drunk, try not to freak out about it. I know it's difficult not to freak out about something when you already are (I know I've been there) but try not to focus on it and maybe little things will start to come back to you.

Book to see your councillor to talk about it.

Sorry I can't be of much help apart from sending a hug..
Take care

Captain America
31-07-08, 19:23
i've lost moments but never a whole night. but if you're in panic mode, everything in you goes to focusing on your survival, the fight or flight response can overcome everything. i've gone through periods where i can't remember my parents' names, etc, because i'm feeling so much fear.
i'd say talk to a counselor if you can. ptsd is like anxiety on steriods and even though i never had ptsd i was certainly acute enough that i needed some meds for a while to get me through. they helped a lot short term for the really bad 'hands shaking-shivering-can't even walk' moments.

31-07-08, 19:49
hiya i really cant help on this issue at all but wanted to give u a hug. i would say though, only my thought really but if u have experienced something awful in life etc sometimes we block it out totally but i guess at some point it will re surface and mayb in little tiny dribs and drabs, so mayb this has happend to u but cos its painful your brain has shut it out again, its kind of a coping mecanism. prob got it all wrong lol, sorry cos not sure wot u been through but just a thought i had xxxx

31-07-08, 20:47
hey guys, thanks so much for responding. ive also had moments where ive dissociated before, but never for that period of time, so thats why i was so scared. see, last night i found out i had been rejected from this job i really wanted and thought i was going to get. but, its really a lot deeper than that. i have been also having so many issues with "new" old memories and what to do with them. so, it is possible that that really did have something to do with it. i went swimming for a while, and tried to remember my therapy session yesterday, and had a hard time even remembering that. i just want to feel like i am in control. i dont know if any of that made sense

01-08-08, 18:03
Hi Aloe20something

Well you will remember it, it's just that your finding it difficult to recall it. There's many reasons why this might happen. Some physical and some psychological. From a psychological point of view, you could be suppressing it if it was that unpleasant. This is called repression and is a short term defence mechanism. It's normal and is usually associated with an emotional trauma.


23-08-08, 17:23
you most probably due to high levels of stress, disassociated as a way for you kind to shut off and cope as it couldnt cope with the amount of distress you were in. This is common with depression, anxiety and PTSD.
