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thoughts and actions
31-07-08, 16:18
hi guys


new to all this stuff but finding website so fantastic so far

This afternoon i went to the local library to get a book my doc had recommended to me about panic attacks. When i picked up the book i started reading the first page and guess what- i could start to feel an attack coming on - i think it was because my body was realising that i am finally trying to fight this "thing" that has been controlling me

So anyway i am reading part of the book and just wanna share this with u all coz i have never looked at it this way-

"the symptoms are the result of a life-saving mechanism springing into aciton. You have nothing to fear from them,, in fact quite the contrary: your body appears to be trying to protect itself and save you from harm. Think about this becuse it may help you think abotu them in a different way- there not there to harm but to help."

So from now on instead of saying to myself "get out run get out" i am going to say "thanks for trying to help but theres nothing of danger here" I'll keep you all posted!!


31-07-08, 17:28
what a great attitude.....fear feeds on fear, so by losing the fear it all helps....good luck

dawny x