View Full Version : Hi New Here

31-07-08, 16:27
Hi all
This is the first time I have ever done this so a little unsure
I have suffered from panic attacks now for 15 years and I am 36
Feel like the best years of my life have been given to anxiety and just recently they seem to be getting worse !
I have been reffered for some CBT but awaiting appointment and am on various uppers / calmers from the GP
Feels good actually sharing it with you

31-07-08, 16:30

31-07-08, 16:58
Hi Mike and :welcome: You will get lots of support here,and everyone is lovely and friendly.
Your not alone in how you are feeling,I have been a sufferer for many years to,so have alot of others here.
I totally understand what you mean about the best of years of your life being given to anxiety and panic,well hopefully you will get some helpfull and supportive advise here and get better soon.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

31-07-08, 18:10
Hi Mike
I am so glad that you have gained the confidence to post on this NMC forum.You will find friendship and support and loads of good advice from people that on in the know.

CBT is a great way to go in controlling and reducing anxiety symptoms. I have attended one recently and it helped tremendously. It is good to do it within a group setting if you can as it shows you that you are not alone and that their are loads of similar people in the same predicament, each with their own individual problems, maybe not the same but all grouped under the umbrella that is anxiety.

As far as anxiety goes do not fight it, it is like the school bully, ignore it and it eventually diminishes in intensity. Fighting it usually starts of the panic attacks which most of us when first facing this demon usually fear the most.
defeating panic attacks is not easy but is possible with determination. What you have to do when you feel the panic attack start is to say to it well you have arrived, welcome and do your absolute worst. When you realise that it is your fear that is driving the intensity of the attack they will subside and you may never get another one. In my case I sometimes feel the start of the panic but they instantly subside when I ignore them. They are certainly getting less and less.

So their is light at the end of the tunnel, it just takes time. One passage I read in a e-book recently quoted by a psychologist who excelled in treating anxiety patients with a good success rate was this

" You wont get better untill you stop trying to get better"

in other words you have to let your frayed nerves rest and release the perpetual tension that they are in before you will see any great changes in your anxiety state. Remember all of the horrendous physical symptoms that you have are just sensations, abnormal firing of nerve junctions. As you relax and allow life to pass you by they will eventually diminish and go away. I hope you find this advice helpful
best wishes

Captain America
31-07-08, 18:43
thanks ron. i love that saying "You wont get better untill you stop trying to get better". the key is to stop trying, but not through avoidance i guess.

where's the balance and how do you find it once you've lost it?

31-07-08, 19:52
Hello Mike

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here

Take care


31-07-08, 19:53
Hi Captain America

Your dead right, dont use avoidance in attempting to curb the anxiety, as that only makes the problem far worse and can eventually lead to agoraphobia. I feel the balance is set by starting your recovery in small steps and pacing your exercise levels effectively. Except the good and bad times but only ponder on the positive achievements that you make.

The important thing to realize and understand is that you will never get rid of anxiety as you need it to live. The goal is to deal with it differently, and allow your body to make this change gradually and not force anything because of deadlines. Recovery takes as long as it takes. The key to success is knowing the thoughts and mental images that start the anxiety and challenge them with positive healthy thought patterns. Distraction also helps so allowing your subconcious mind to heal itself. Find a hobby that can totally distract your thinking mind and eventually your thought patterns will change in a positive way.
All the best

31-07-08, 19:58
hello and welcome to nmp, you will get loads of good advice and support here and also make new friends too. hugs xx

31-07-08, 20:07
Hi Mike,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


31-07-08, 20:10
Hi mike,

welcome to nmp,
you'll get loads of support here, its like having one huge understanding family, keep posting and we'll help you out all we can.

best wishes

di xx

31-07-08, 21:36
Hiya hun :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great freinds along the way. keep posting and we will help you as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


31-07-08, 22:24
Hi MikeJames

Just wanted to give you a warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

01-08-08, 13:01
Hello Mike And Welcome To The Site , Wish Ya Well ,linda

milly jones
01-08-08, 13:18
hi hun

welcome to nmp

good to share nmp with u too

milly xx

01-08-08, 18:05
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

01-08-08, 18:23
Hi welcome, Im sure you will feel better now you`ve found us, take care.xx