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31-07-08, 17:11
hi, i am jennie louise,

not sure what to say so i will just tell you what has been happening in my life...

have been having panic attacks and anxiety problems for nearly a year. i tried to lessen the anxiety and panic by changing my diet, excercising daily... and with more sleep. none of these had really stopped the anxiety, but had made it a little more bearable. i have been finding life more difficult the last few months. traveling on trains and the tube really made be panic. i was finding i was begining to really panic at work during meetings. a couple of times i had a full on panic attack and really lost all sense of reality and was very scared. i am a manager within social care services so i think with some of my own issues and issues i have to deal with at work this has had an impact on me.

i have been resisting medication, but on monday i went to see my gp. this was really hard for me and i was very upset that i had lost the battle! still i knew i had to change the cycle of my anxiety and panic...my gp precribed me citrolpram 10mg daily. i have been taking it for the last 3 days in the morning. i have been suffering from a cloudly head today...feels like a head cold! i was wondering what should i expect with this medication is anyone can advise me what the main side effects are. i asked my gp to sign me off work for 2 weeks as i thought that would give me a rest as well as giving the medication time to work...hopefully!


31-07-08, 17:25
Hiya welcome .......You havent lost the battle by going on meds hun you have recognised your symptoms and have taken a step 2 getting better that is a strong thing 2 do and also joining this site shows that you are prepared 2 get better .I am on citalopram 30mg at the moment you do get side efects but give it time and they will work your body just has 2 get used 2 them xxxx
take care xxx
Titch xxxx

31-07-08, 17:37
thanks for your kind words titch! i need to change something as i did as much as i could without medication. i was not living anymore and was in constant fear of having a panic attack. even the smallest noise could set me off! anxiety is the worse thing to have as most people don't understand. i think because it has no real physical appearance to people they may wonder what's really wrong with you! i have never felt so out of control and fearful in my life. it really does disable you in many ways...i hope to get my life back on track now...

31-07-08, 17:37
Hiya and welcome im new myself too. I have been on citalopram for years and have just gone up to 40mg, stick with it its worth it

Stevie xx

31-07-08, 17:43
Hi Jennie Louise

Welcome to the site where you will get loads of good advice and support.
Try not to fight the anxiety symptoms as that in itself will cause it to become more powerfull and give you the panic attacks, Medication is not a route that I have gone down so I cannot comment on effects, but I can suggest CBT along side your medication. The councellors explain the roots of anxiety, how to beat panic attacks, good coping techniques to control your anxieties.

Please dont use avoidance to control your anxiety as I did to my cost as I became agoraphobic, and that has been sheer hell to get out of. Exercising and a good healthy diet is a good start in beating your anxiety. Get a good hobby that you can absord your mind in and try some relaxation techniques while you are on sick leave.
You can beat it, it just takes time
all the best

31-07-08, 20:06
Hi Jennie,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


31-07-08, 21:35
Hiya hun :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great freinds along the way. keep posting and we will help you as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


31-07-08, 22:25
Hi Jennie Louise

Just wanted to give you a warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

01-08-08, 13:00
Hello Jennie And Welcome To The Site ,wish Ya Well,linda

milly jones
01-08-08, 13:15
welcome to nmp

it isnt about losing a battle. i think it takes courage to accept help from meds. it just shows u that the anx is controlling ur life so much that ud do anything to try and get ur life back.

the side effects from meds are well documented in nmp forum, citaloram.

i just got nausea, visual diffs and inc anx for a couple of weeks.

im only 40mg and starting to feel better but its taken me 3 months.

just to warn u that when my dose was increased the anx deteriorated first for a couple of days again.

ur body needs time to re adjust to the meds

take care


01-08-08, 13:49
Hi Jennie

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here

Take care


01-08-08, 18:03
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx