View Full Version : New and Nervous!

31-07-08, 19:20
Hello, i'm Helen and after probably nearly 30 years of having a fear of being sick, I finally admitted it to a friend today. I couldn't belive it when she didn't think I was insane!! I thought I was. I'm supposed to be going on holiday on Sunday but I've got to go on an aeroplane for 3 hours. I thought I was okay with it but then 2 days ago on my lunch break, I witnessed a young girl throwing up in the street. Since then I have just focussed on this and all I can see is that horrible sight. I feel like I'm going mad. I haven't had any sleep for 2 nights cos I wake up in a panic thinking about what I saw. I think that this will happen to me on the aeroplane. Sometimes I think I would rather die than for this to happen to me. Sorry, I know i'm rambling a bit but i'm very new to this, i've never been on a forum before. Has anyone got any ideas how I can erase this memory from my head?!:blush:

thoughts and actions
31-07-08, 19:32
Hi Helen,

Like you - i have a phobia of being sick- please trusst me your are not alone. I have only been a member on this site for a month and only started posting threads this week and it has helped me soooo much.

In terms of giving you advise - everyone is different but i have been through CBT and read a few books on overcoming phobias and these are tips i could give u -

1. When you have the thought in your head (or the image) picture it for 20 mins without letting any other throughts in and eventually the thought will get smaller or seem not that bad.
2. Repeat 200 times to yourself the worst possible fear "i will be sick" i know this sounds silly but it has worked for me i did this for a fortnight (you have to percivere) and after about the 80th time i got really bored or would forget what i was saying and eventually i forgot the thought.
3. You have to evaluate the situation- the stomach muscle is one of the strongest muscles in your body and no matter how many times you try to convince yourself you will be sick the liklihood is that it will never work- i couldt say to myself ankle i would like you to break at 8.02am abd it would happen
4. Whats the worst/the best/most probable outcome

I hope you have found some off that useful!! If you have had this phobia for this long have u ever asked your GP for a referral to CBT or read any books?? Can i ask aswell in the 30 years how many times have u acutally been sick and how many times have you just thought it?? If you were actually sick what would happen- i used to think if i was sick that would be awful and i wou;d be a failure as i challenged myself- i realise that now but do appreciate what you are going through.

Have you asked yourself why this girl was sick? Maybe she was pregnant or had a stomach bug- and now that she has been sick she is still able to do all the things she could do before she was sick? What is the actual fear- being sick is the outcome but what happens before this- what are your thoughts- try writing them down?

Hope some of this helps

Enjoy ure trip (i did a 12 hour car journey the other day and was okay!1)


31-07-08, 19:44
hello and welcome to nmp, you will find lots of good advice and support and make new friends too. hugs xxx

31-07-08, 19:46
Thank you so much for this. I went to my GP today and I have just spoken to a lady who I am going to go and meet tomorrow who specialises in this phobia and I hope who can help me with hypnotherapy. So at least i'm heading in the right direction after all these years! I just felt that I had such an extreme reaction to this poor girl being ill (she was only about 12 years old, and I do feel really bad for thinking she was so disgusting :weep: ) that the time had come to try and take control of the situation and sort it out once and for all. I can't go another 30 years feeling like this.

In all the time I've felt like this, I probably haven't been sick all that many times, I've got it into my head that my fear is protecting me and I'm in control of myself because of it. I'm an expert at hyperventilating, thinking that this stops myself from throwing up!?! With me it's more the fear of seeing others being sick, I haven't got any control over that and that's what worries me more than anything.

I'm so glad I've joined this forum. I'm amazed at how many people have got exactly the same thing as me. I've always thought of it as a dirty secret and that i'm mad! I've always convinced myself that i'm incurable but i'm really going to try to overcome this.

Thank you so much for taking the time to post a reply to me. Well done on your achievement in the car, I envy you that, I hope I can do that one day with no fear.

H x

31-07-08, 19:49
Hi Helen

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get some really good advice and support on here

Take care


31-07-08, 20:00
Something that i recently learnt with my CBT sessions.
The more we try and push something out of our heads, the mind will work harder to keep it there. The best thing to do is let it be...if you can picture it - picture it, don't fight it. I know it sounds bizaare, but it works.


(PS. I hate vom too!)

31-07-08, 20:09
Hi Helen,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


31-07-08, 20:37
Thanks everyone who've taken the time to reply to me, I really do feel really overwhelmed. This is going to sound really stupid, but seeing all your support has made me feel so much better and actually put a smile on my face and made me relax a bit but I feel guilty about this. I feel like if I feel too good and to optimistic that I'm going to finally overcome this, something really bad will happen, as if some voice inside is saying 'don't feel too good, it won't last'!?

Is this normal? I know there's no overnight cure and I'll have good days and bad days but I feel like i've felt so anxious and scared for so long that I shouldn't feel in the remotest bit good now?

Can't really explain, does anyone know what I mean?!!!:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :blush:

And why do we have to be sick? Why can't it just not exist?!:) Stupid comment I know, just wish it didn't happen.

H x

31-07-08, 21:36
Hiya hun :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great freinds along the way. keep posting and we will help you as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


31-07-08, 22:24
Hi Helen

Just wanted to give you a warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

thoughts and actions
31-07-08, 22:51
hi helen

good luck for tomorrow and hope everything goes well for u!!

i know exactly what u mean- i used to fear other ppl being sick around me- i used to imagine them being sick and the sick would spray everywhere and go all over me and then every1 would point and laugh at me (like something out a horror film ha ha) so when i started my counselling i was able to pinpoint that as a young child i was at a theme park and witnessed some1 being sick on a ride and it went over other ppl. I actually wanted to scream at the person and annouce and tell them how disgusting that was and how dare they do something like that lol

I am not telling u this to scare you :) but there has to be a trigger as to why you have this phobia and most llikely is that you will not be aware of what it was- with the CBT i have been able to overcome this- it has taken time becaise i had the phobia for a long time- it wont go overnight you are right but it will pass a lot quicker- its a case of retraining your thoughts and thats what these ppl will help you with. You will have good days and bad days and sometimes on the bad days you will feel like you cant and wont ever get bnetter but eventually you have 12 good days and one bad half day :)

stay with it hun i promise it will get better.


01-08-08, 10:54
Welcome, there are great people to talk to on here.


milly jones
01-08-08, 11:34
hi hunny

welcome to nmp

there are lots of ppl here who find sickness distressing.

try to believe that ur not going to be sick, rather than concentrate that u think u will. the more u worry the more the worry will persist.

this is easier said than done hun, i know

take care

milly xx

01-08-08, 12:54
Hello Helen And Welcome To The Site,wish Ya Well,linda

01-08-08, 18:07
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx