View Full Version : any good advice

31-07-08, 20:39
hi my name is danny im married to cazzamagui1, im wondering if someone can give me some advice please. my wife suffers from panic attacks and anxiety. what can i do to help her ive tried talking to her which helps but sometimes i feel so useless ive also tried breathing with her, i try my best to understand but sometimes its hard it feels like ive hit a brick wall and i dont know what to do. i feel selfish but i love her so much and i would do anything to help her please any help would be fantastic

31-07-08, 21:54
Hiya Danny
well done to you mate for wanting to get involved in helping your wife through these panic attacks.
keep her reasured that a panic attack although is very scary it can not harm her in anyway and she is not going mad or will die from them

make sure she does her breathing practice everyday even when she feels good as it helps the body to recover faster when she does have one if she knows how to control her breathing. the more she does this breathing the faster the body kicks in with the breathing when it is needed most.

dont let her drink to much caffine or alchohol as this can trigger panic/anx
she will see a lot of things in a negative light, you try to help her see the postive side to things
plenty of relaxing warm baths
give her massages to help her relax
some good early nights if you can
make sure she get some exercise even if its a good walk everyday
exercise is great for panic/anx

this can be very time consuming and tiering for you but so rewarding when you see that there are more good days than bad ones

above all be patiant and let her know how much you love her and are willing to help in any way.
i wish you both all the best of luck
keep posting when ever you have questions or need help ok


07-08-08, 20:20
hello kellie thank you so much for your kind words they have helped me see that i can help my wife take control of this and if we both work together i no as a team we can over come this and beat it ...im going to get her to try the breathing everyday im even going to do them with her as i no she will feel silly doing it alone thank you again you have been a great help :)

08-08-08, 01:09
You are such a great guy! Just the fact you posted here shows that you really care and love your wife. My husband is very supportive and will sit and listen to me, but he probably would never post like you did. I think what you're doing is great.

I know it's different for everyone, but what really helps me is going for a drive. If I feel on the verge of panic, I will ask my husband "if we can go for a drive". I don't have to say any more than that, he knows. This may not work for her, but there may be something else that will help distract her before it gets too rough. And just know that sometimes no matter what you do, an attack will happen. It's part of having anxiety. I always thought of it as a drug kind of. I have to have my "fix". I can be totally fine for days or even weeks sometimes and then all of a sudden out of the blue it hits. Hang in there. Trust me, you're helping so much by just being there. :yesyes:

09-08-08, 16:11
My husband has put up with my panic attacks on and off for 27 years. he cant understand why they have come back as weve had 20 years with virtually no panic - I think its the menopause and hormone changes and sometimes I just want him to hold me and tell me he loves me and that I am not a failure coz I panic. He finds it hard coz hes never ever felt afraid - he just gets on with it and cant see why I panic about theatres,hot shops etc! Wenjoy x

17-08-08, 14:59
thank you again for all your kind words and support for me and my wife caz, just knowing im here for her 24/7 and that all she needs is reasurrance from me is helping me to try and understand but like my wife caz says to me "how can i make you understand something i dont" i know shes right(woman are of course lol) i know we can get through this together as a team even our children try and help us when caz has a panic attack the children watch the baby for me untill its passed which is great thanks again for your kind words and support xxx danny