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View Full Version : pain under my left breast and ribs

31-07-08, 20:44
ouch ouch ouch for 3 days now i have had what feels like ttrapped wind, i cant get rid of it, i suffer with ibs surely you cant get trapped wind around your ribs and by your shoulder blade does anyone else get his am freaking out so bad,
i have tried windeeze and zantac and neither has worked help help xxx

hope all is well wit you guys xx

Venus Calling
31-07-08, 20:48
Have you tried hot water? I find that sometimes helps.

31-07-08, 20:54
no i havent but i will give it a go is really starting to scare me as it wont shift

Venus Calling
31-07-08, 21:01
Is it a sharp pain - sometimes moves with you, if that makes sense?

31-07-08, 21:02
yes it is kind of and when i take a deep breath in and out i feel like it will disperse but jusst wont if that makes sense

Venus Calling
31-07-08, 21:11
You might has strained yourself somehow - I get a similar pain sometimes if I sleep awkwardly and it usually takes a few days to go away. If you are really worried you should go to the doctor but it will probably go away by itself. Try not to worry.

31-07-08, 22:03
Ive had this hun just the same as you discribe
ive had it 3 times and each time it has lasted about 2 wks
i went to my doc and he said it is more than likely down to a tense muscle
due to my anx
take hot baths and then put a hot water bottle there and try some nice relaxing breathing
also take pain killers every four hours to help as well ok
i know its painful and annoying but it will pass


31-07-08, 23:10
I get that too!!! A lot...
But with me, its more...tightening. Just everything feels tight on my left chest......Of course, it makes me panic and think heart attack, but it lasts for days, and doesnt kill me, so I try not to freak myself out everytime it comes up.
But does anyone else get that....just, like, tightness and kinda aching, right around your shoulder, and it seems to go all down my left arm too. Like my arm will just feel really really painful twinge of tightness, even when i am not feeling panicky!
Is that normal, for the muscles to be sooo tense that you notice it even when you are not feeling anxious at all??? Cause it sure ends up making me feeling anxious....because I start to think there is a problem there.

01-08-08, 00:58
YES YES YES!! Right now it is actually just above my left breast, and it feels almost like a burning sensation.... The chest pains are the worst part of this for me, and they seem to be coming more and more and lasting longer and longer the last few days.... Praying that the meds kick in soon....

01-08-08, 01:37
Ive had this kind of pain a few times and dr thought it was a pulled muscle in my chest, when i breathed it was like a VERY severe stabbing pain, when driving it hurt my neck as well, does this sound familuar??
My mate has just had it and was in agony, she suffers no anx, and was still off her feet and concerned. HTH x

01-08-08, 10:58
i had that pain for 7 months, then it changed to right side, now its all most gone, the doc told me it was muscle related. So i figured since i came down with anx, i had been sitting differently more hunched. So i have changed my posture and the pain is almost gone.

01-08-08, 13:00
Yeah...totally. I get pains everywhere lol. They shoot down my arms sometimes. Sometimes i think it's just gas -lol.

But ultimately anxiety causes muscle and indigestion pains in all sorts of funky places. Breathe it out. Stretch. Take a break from whatever is stressing you most.

What you're feeling is COMPLETELY normal.

01-08-08, 13:29
I sometimes get an upset tummy if I am over stressed and it causes a very similar pain the doctor says that it is a type of gastic problem caused my stress because the stomach becomes inflamed.

It did take a couple of days for mine to go and I have a very much bland diet for a while.

Hope you feel better soon!!

01-08-08, 16:01
is horrible i went to se the doctor today was in a right pannic liast night as it was hurting so much, i suffer with ibs and she checked me all over and said it is trapped wind all round my back and into my shoulder blade and under my boob she said wind can radiate and spread all over the body she has put me on fibre gel, and then to top me off into mad anx again she took blood tests to check for anyother problems tottaly freaked me out i have to call on monday to get resuolts i am gonna panic the whole weekend now ggggggggrrrrrrrrrr so frustrating

28-09-08, 08:25
This was awful for me, it actually woke me this morning, i could feel sharp pains in my chest, then when i actually lay there to feel exactly what it was, everytime my heart beat i felt a stabbing like pain... like me pulse was stabbing me..... yes i laughed at writing this.... what the hell is this??? xx

28-09-08, 08:47
sounds like wind to me.. i get that alott.. i have many problems when it comes to eating icid reflux ibs and more lol.. i know the exact feeling you have and trust me its just wind.. if ive eatin like a pig it can last for a few weeks on me.. ive went to the doctor many times and he has told me the same thing he has told me from the begaining ''change your diet and stay away from caffine'' but thats just me.. my acid reflux dosent react very well to caffine... pitty because i love coffee :huh:

28-09-08, 08:53
Thanks.... my mum told me this when i got up, as she used to suffer with panic attacks when she was younger! But as normal you choose not to believe her because 'she isn't a dr'! but after reading this page and signed up.... i feel great! :)

Sikh Don (H)
16-02-09, 20:09
im only 16 and i experienced this the other day.
it started the day i slept funny. my kneck was killing me. then it moved towards my head. i was like what the hell. then it moved to my shoulder and started pulling on my chest. it felt like i was having a heartattack, but my aunty told me that if your having a heart attack you also have other symtoms such as :
shortness of breath
high blood pressure
feeling sick

so then i sort of had some relief. then it got worse and travelled down my back up again and straight down my left arm. i was crying like mad. it was asthough someone was grabbing my left arm and squeezing it. it kept tensing itself and i got more scared. when i typed it went down to my wrist. it got worse and worse. until i finally went to the doctors. after 2 weeks of this pain.
and they gave me ibruaphen tablets and ontop of that i used deepheat so the pain numed out.

now today is my 1st day of recovery :D
after just 4 tablets im nearly 100% betta ;)

so do not worry people
you wont die :D :D :D

21-07-09, 12:53
i got it to i suffer from anx i went doc she your ok but it scare me to

21-07-09, 12:54
:ohmy: i got it to i suffer from anx i went doc she your ok but it scare me to

21-07-09, 13:13
I have had the same as you and have bloods tested just to rule out gallstones as the symtpoms for these are pains under right rib and they have come back fine and now going for more blood tests to check not got wheat intolerance.
What did doc say was doing blood tests for? I aso suffer from IBS and symptoms have been really bad lately. PAin under right rib, bloatedness, discomfort in abdomen and now burning sensation in back.
Try not to worry as this makes symptoms worse, I know they do for me :mad:

21-07-09, 13:42
:hugs: I apologise in advance if this is offensive to you :blush:


This web site was very helpful to me as it showed just how close every thing is.
Like you i found it very hard to believe that a pain under the left breast could be wind but this drawing proved to me that i had NO IDEA where ""stuff"" fitted inside me (never really wanted to know) and i have found grat comfort in knowing that this pain is wind:blush:
Hope this helps

25-06-18, 19:47
Omg I have this too sometimes under left breast sometimes in left breast sharp stabbing pain the comes and goes, it happened in 2014, or 2013, and was told that it was due to tensing up muscles and due to anxiety panic attacks, and bad posture, I am having it now, always think it's my heart.