View Full Version : anxiety

03-05-05, 15:05
Hello everyone its been a long time since I visited this site. Things are improving, but there are still somethings I feel uncomforatble with. I still feel a bit unsure if I go out socially without my husband. I have just left work after being with the same surgery for 18 years!! i did go out for a meal with the girls and enjoyed it once I had settled down. Going on holidays are still a problem, and sometimes when we go where I haven,t been before. I take flower essecence (5 drops on the tongue) and that helps. I have decided to come of all other medication with the help of my GP. I take Lustral but it seems to effect my memory (although I do have senior moments at time I am 57 and having terrible hot sweats which I am taking Red Clover for )
Anyway nice to know you still there to talk to. Thanks for reading my message. Any hints would be well appreciated.

J. Farmer

03-05-05, 16:27
hello Jenny,

Nice to see you posting again!! :)

It is very normal to feel scared when going out alone. I am the same with my partner - I feel a lot more anxious when he's not with me. Take it very slowly and you will slowly get used to it.

Good luck coming off your meds & by all means, let us know how you are getting on..

Sarah :D

03-05-05, 16:53
Hi Jenny,

Well done on your improvements. **I still feel a bit unsure**
is strides ahead from where you were, so congratulations on pushing back those boundaries ..

To progress further you need to put yourself in more of those uncomfortable situations and suceed as you have with the rest. Start small and build up.

The sweats are normal for menopause. If you don't think the clover is helping you could try wild yam cream .

Good luck in coming off the Lustral - ensure you come off it very slowly.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

03-05-05, 18:19
Hi Jenny,
you sound as if you have made so much progress, take things slowly,it must be quite emotional leaving work after being there for so many years, but now, what have you got planned, or are you taking a well earned rest! I was so pleased to hear that you also have senior moments, me too, big time, and i try to control my hot flushes/sweats with black cohosh, which seem to help me. I think you have made enormous progress, keep at it and take things easy.