View Full Version : Weird Link with Alcohol

31-07-08, 21:53
Why is it that I will mostly not have any symptoms at all, but if I have a heavy boosy night, then the following day, my breathing will typically be up the spout for a good few hours in the afternoon.

Whilst I will not experience anything whilst under the influence, I find that the following day I feel rotten, and my breathing is almost always onset. It is onlyt the second day and beyond that I then feel normal again, up until the next boosy night I have.

Simple answer, don't drink. But I dont want to be dis-advantaged in this way.

Has anyone else found a link?

31-07-08, 21:56
Hi Diz

Alcohol is a depressant so once the "high" has worn off you're left feeling down and anxious, well I am anyway!

I took the decision to really cut my drinking down and its helped a lot.

Jo xxxxx

31-07-08, 22:08
Like jo has said drink is a natural depressant
and will trigger of panic /anx attacks as the drink raises the blood pressure with will elivate the heart rate and make your breathing go all funny.
best to cut down as much as you can are leave it alone all together.
too much caffine can do the same as well.


31-07-08, 22:30
Alcohol depletes the immune system especially the amounts of zinc. Like Kelly says as well it raises the blood pressure which doesn't help one bit. I find i am ok having a drink now and then so long as i sleep it off and i don't go over the top, a couple of pints iam usually ok "moderation" :) .

31-07-08, 22:44
There is a BIG link with anxiety and panic and alcohol

If you drink too much you will know about it the next day for sure

01-08-08, 11:09
It really messes me up the next day if i drink a lot. Its the hangover that sets off attacks. Even though i am fully aware that it is just a hangover.

01-08-08, 11:22
I always used to be fine when I was younger, going out and partying and then waking up the next day, able to do whatever.

What I am having to do now is if there is an occasion, be it a wedding or a prarty, and I now that I am going to end up having a few too many shandy's, I am having to make sure that there are no plans the next day involving too much prolonged time stuck in one place (i.e car or restauarant) as I will inevitably start to feel uncomfortable.

But now, I know that the feelings only come on because I expect them to.

01-08-08, 11:42
There is def a link with alcohol and anxiety as I suffer terrible day after and even day after that if Idrink 2 much ...but i do find it hard not 2 have a drink when daughters in bed and have nothing else 2 do xxxxx

Just drink small amounts or cut out alltogether and u will def see a difference ....Im going 2 take my own advice and cut it out aswell haha x
All the best
Titch xxxx

01-08-08, 16:53
I agree about the link. Nowadays I drink in moderation and even then I don't drink any spirits. I am partial to the odd bottle of wine but do feel worse for it. With a couple of beers in moderation though I don't feel personally it has any effect on my anxiety. It's easier for me though as my party days have been and gone.

All the best


02-08-08, 13:16
Well, today I have awoken having been out on a bit of a bender with a good friend of mine.

I have decided today that I am not going to allow any sort of panic attack to set in. I am just going to dispell any symptoms I get. I am choosing not to accept them today.

I am sick of just waiting for them to arrive, and then suffering them when they do. The only reason my breathing goes up the spout is because I now accosciate the day after as the time they will come.

So not today.

After all, I know I will always survive these attacks so just bring it on. It doesnt matter how giddy I get, or how much I think I am suffocating - I am dispelling it. If I collapse then so be it.

lol feel better already

02-08-08, 13:58
Hi Diz

I think the key is to accept the feelings. If you try and fight the symptoms this will make it worse and you will be more likely to panic.

If you feel down or anything like that, then just tell yourself "This is the drink, I know this happens after a heavy night but that is all it is, the drink wearing off".

Jo xxxxx

02-08-08, 15:02
Thing is ist is not that I feel down as such, it is just that I expect my breathing to go down the shoot the following day, and because I expect it, it happens.

So I am now dis-associating myself with that and accepting that it is only because I am thinking of it. Most of my attacks are triggered by worrying I am going to have an attack, ridiculous isnt it.

So today I am taking control and not accepting it. So far so good.