View Full Version : More and more panic!! Anyway out!

31-07-08, 22:32
Hi there,

Im also new to the site! OMG im so glad Lou and other people like you are out there i thought i was the only one. Im 21 years old and up to June i was a 'normal' person loving life etc until i had some space cake in Amsterdam and ad the worst experience of my life and i think had a huge panic attack i honestly thought i was going to die! Anyway about a week later i got an inner ear infection and i haven’t been the same since. It started off with a really bad pain in my head then i went to the doctors cause i kept going dizzy etc and he told me it was an ear infection. I now think it is a brain tumor but the docs keep telling me im fine! it gets to a point where you just dont believe them after a while so she is sending me to see a neurologist but im going to have to wait about 2 months and i dont think i can wait that long!!
I quite my job about 2 weeks ago as that was making it worse and i was supposed to be going to Kos last wed and i ended up jumping off the plane cause it thought well what if im ill over there etc so i lost a 2 week break in Greece!!The doc said it would have been really good for me but im stuck here now!
Its toltally taken over my life im struggling to go places etc i always get a twinge or something in my head and then thats it i start panicking and have to go home. I think i know deep down that if i had a tumor i would be a lot worse like when im at home im quite alright cause im in my own surroundings etc its just when i go out. I get headaches that seem to come on later on in the day, i get dizzy, have a tingly face sometimes and other symptoms. I just cant seem to get it out my head! I asked the doc for an MRI scan but she said i dont need one so wont send me for one, I told her this will make all my anxiety etc go away as long as i know my head is fine! My head feels weird sometimes and it just makes me worse.
Ive got a counseling session tomorrow so i will let you know how that goes but im so glad im not alone and theres other people in the same boat.
I suppose you have to put the faith in the doctors as they dont mess about when it somes to heads. If they had the slightest worry they would send you to hospital straight away!
I just want to go back to normal!!

31-07-08, 22:48

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


milly jones
01-08-08, 12:55
a warm welcome to nmp

u are far from being alone

milly xx

01-08-08, 12:59
Hello And Welcome To The Site ,wish Ya Well ,linda

01-08-08, 18:06
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

01-08-08, 19:34

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

01-08-08, 20:48
Hi and welcome, you will get lots of support and advice.xx